Chapter 13: The Silent Prisoner

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Sean POV

I'm on break at the FBI Hospital, there hasn't been much activity today so I've been kind of bored and to top it off the cafeteria doesn't serve apple pie!  Flipping through the television I land on a news channel.

"Fifty two prominent figures and counting have been confirmed to be associated with the illegal business.  If you are just tuning in all of this was revealed during a robbery at the Getty..."

Wow Sang was right they were targeting the Getty.  I take out my cell phone and wonder if Kota and Sang are at the scene.  That's probably why they haven't replied to any of my texts.  I look back up at the screen when the news anchor fumbles for words like someone is talking in her ear.

"Uhh...okay...this just in we have now acquired cell photo footage of the robbery taking place.   We will play it for you now..."

The shaky video starts playing and I see one Volto mask wearing robber holding a woman hostage.  The camera then pans over to a bunch of them filling backpacks with gold bars.  One of them is not wearing a mask and he looks a lot like... "Kota?!"

"Dr. Green!"  A voice calls me as one of the nurses bursts through the break room door.  "We have patient with four bullet wounds; two to the chest.  He'll need emergency surgery.  He's arriving by helicopter now."

I rush out the door with her and mentally start preparing to save a life, pushing back thoughts of Kota robbing the Getty.  The helicopter must have arrived while the nurse was getting me because a stretcher is already being pushed out the elevator on our floor.

I quickly get to work while the stretcher continues moving towards the room for surgery.  It barely registers in my brain that this isn't one of our agents, it's a robbery suspect.  I managed to get him stable in less than ten minutes.  Next I prepare for surgery to remove the bullets, assess the internal damage, close everything up and replenish the blood he's lost.

With focus and determination I finish the surgery in under two hours and I leave the room while the nurses prep the patient for recovery.

Heading back to the break room I try and call Kota again, knowing that he won't answer.  I try Sang three more times and decide it's time to go home and check on them.  I'm now in a panic, I grab my keys and race out the door and down the hallway towards the exit.  I'm just about to push through the emergency exit when Phil calls for me, "Sean!"

"I need to go check on Sang, I'll be back after."  I tell him opening the door and stepping through.

"She's not there."  He tells me when he catches up.


"When word got out Kota was at the robbery I sent men over to get Sang and bring her here.  She wasn't home.  We believe they have her and that's why Kota aided them in the robbery.  It's the only explanation since they know who he is already."

"Sang?"  I can't even process the information he's giving me, it makes sense, but I don't want to believe it.  "Are you just guessing or is this information accurate, maybe she went shopping or something."

"We are guessing since the guy in custody won't talk."

"Is he in pain?  I can give him something for the pain, maybe then he'll talk."  I offer, thinking of anything to get information from him.

"No."  Phil shakes his head.  "He just won't talk."

"Is he mute?  I don't remember Sang or Kota mentioning that."  I say as we start to walk back down the hallway towards the holding room Luke is in.

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