Chapter 14: I Walk Away

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We've been riding for about fifty minutes and have finally stopped in the middle of the desert.  Last I checked we were headed toward Barstow, but took a detour somewhere off the main highway.  The guys slow down and I'm able to jump off the bike.  Nathan, Gabriel and Victor all snatch the bags of gold and race towards a small plane.  Owen and I stay behind to finish our transaction.

We stand in silence until he breaks it, "Listen Dakota we're kind of in a hurry; was there something you needed?"

"Is she here?"  I ask him.

"Who?" He says tilting his head to the side in mock confusion.

"You know who, Sang!"

"No she's not."  He says calmly.

"I've done everything you've asked, you have to tell me where she is!"  My voice no longer holding back the anger I feel.

He smiles, "And let my insurance policy expire?  No thank you."

I run my hands through my hair in frustration.  I don't know what to do, I don't have a gun and can't fight him without losing against the entire gang.  "Bohdi, people are dead, you got your gold, revenge on the Morgans...the ride is over."

He actually laughs this time.  The most emotion I've ever seen from him.  "Oh no no no.  I say when it's over!  And let me tell you, Kota, the ride is just beginning.  You have a long rode in front of you."

"I'm not playing, Bohdi!  Tell me where Sang is!  You can't run forever, they'll find you and burn you at the stake for everything you've done.  No mercy."

"Shit happens."  He says with a shrug and I'm surprised because I've never heard him swear.  Even I rarely swear although a few pop up in my head like when I jumped out of that plane with no chute.

"All of you are crazy, do you know that?"  I say hysterically, "You've got a death wish.  The stunts you pull, the crimes you commit.  You want to die doing something you love, fine.  But, don't take Sang with you.  Please, I'm begging you to tell me where she is."  I take a desperate step forward, "Tell me where she is and I walk away."

He matches my step forward and now stands about two feet away from me.  I'm leaning on Nathan's bike waiting for his response.  He takes another step forward with his hands behind his back and says, "You walk away?"

"Yeah, I walk away."  I tell him as he closes the gap between us and slaps a pair of hand cuffs on my wrist, latching the other side to a loop on the bike.  I stare at my cuffed hand in shock then look back up at him in confusion.

He gives me that same millimeter smile I've come to detest.  "That's beautiful, Dakota.  The things you'd do for Sang.  Too bad I'm willing to do more in order to keep her.  Maybe one day you'll meet her in the White City."

That was it.  That's all he said before jogging to the plane and boarding.  Apparently, he's taken Sang away from me and Sean forever until, like he implied, we would be reunited with her in death.

With no cell phone I couldn't call anyone to help me.  I had to hope the FBI was tracking us and on their way.  I didn't let time go to waste though, I maneuvered myself onto the bike and rode back to the nearest town.  It was difficult with one hand cuffed, but I made it to a local diner and used their phone, with the longest extension cord I've ever seen, to call Sean.  He didn't answer.

I ended up getting a hold of Phil and an entire army of Feds came and got me.  After questioning I was informed that Sean fled with Luke who apparently survived the multiple shots he received.  They don't know whether Sean was forced to help him escape or he was in cahoots with them the entire time.  Sean is a criminal just like them if I count all the things he's done in his past.  It wouldn't surprise me if he joined up with these guys somewhere along the way in our investigation, but the other side of me, the part that has spent years living with Sean, tells me he did whatever he had to do to get to Sang.  I hope that is the case and one day he'll bring her back, but in the meantime instead of living in this empty house I will dedicate my life to catching these guys.  I will find Sang, even if I have to chase her around the earth several times over.  

I will find her.

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