Chapter 4: Bonfire Part II

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Meeting up with these guys for the bonfire and tossing a football around with them has helped me make a lot of progress in our investigation. I've already learned of all the popular hang out spots other groups like to meet up at. I even got a lead on that tattoo guy Sang spotted earlier; him and his crew are rumored to sell drugs. That would explain the guy's lack of participation in the beach activities.

"Let's get back to the fire." Luke says as he catches the football I just tossed him. Owen nods his head and follows us in towards where everyone else is. As we approach closer I notice Sang is missing.

"Where's Sang?" I ask the one named Victor.

He finishes digging out some more drinks from the cooler and hands me one. "She's with North."

I feel the panic of a missing Sang lessen only to be masked by the annoying jealousy of Sang alone with some handsome stranger. I don't want to call attention to my paranoia so I start counting to calm my nerves. One...two...three... I look around trying to see if I can spot where they are but everything is dark except the small area lit by our bonfire. I hope she's just getting to know the guys in order to get some intel and not getting close to them. It would tear me to shreds to lose Sang. I already almost lost her to Doc, I can't risk any of these guys stealing her away. Especially when they think she's available!! twenty one...twenty two... twenty three...I should have told them we were together. twenty six... twenty seven...

"Hey." A smack on my shoulder interrupts my counting and I turn towards Gabriel. "Where'd you go just now?"

"No where, just worried about Sang being alone." I admit reluctantly.

"Oh she's not alone, North will keep her company." Gabriel says as the guys all chuckle.

Silas nudges my arm to get my attention, "Don't worry man, your roommate is fine," He says emphasizing 'roommate' like he knows we were lying--or maybe just thinks I want to be more than just roommates. "North can be a gentleman."

Gabriel snorts, "That's fucking horse shit if I ever heard it!! North a gentleman?!?!"

"Hey that's my baby brother your talking about!" Luke shouts giving Gabriel a playful chop on the head.

Now I'm really in panic mode. I can tell they are just pulling my leg--I know Sang is safe, but I still jealous. "Did you bring your board?" Victor asks me and I nod. He starts to get up, "Guys lets go night surfing!"

Surfing would be a welcome distraction from my jealousy. It would calm me too. Ever since I was little counting calmed me, but ever since Sang, Doc and I got busted by the FEDs the counting worked less and less. Now I practically do it out of habit, but just this morning I realized being out on the water calmed me. For the first time since we got busted. I need this time to relax and gather my wits before I make a fool of myself or bust our cover. I start to get up, but Owen holds me back with a firm hand on my shoulder.

"We'll head out in a minute." Owen says to the group, a command hinted at in his tone. I see them all nod and head out to shore. "So, what's your story?" Owen asks turning towards me.

"My story?"  I question, not understanding where this conversation is headed.

"Yes, your story.  How you got here, you're what?  Twenty one, twenty two and you were able to purchase the beach house on Ashley Waters Drive.  Gain an inheritance or something?"

Jeez.  I didn't think anyone would look so closely to what we're doing here nor how we are living here.  "Wow, word gets around fast."  I say with a laugh giving me time to get a simple story straight.  "Sang and I are just renting the place.  We wouldn't be able to even come up with anything close to a down payment for a house.  Especially a beach house!"

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