Chapter 8: Shoppers Beware

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The morning of the Central Los Angeles Bank deposit...

The bubbly girls singing at the top of their lungs arrive at the mall and pull into the Nordstrom parking lot.  They are excited to be attending another fashion show event, even if this one is small and no paparazzi will be there.  

"Oh hey look the piano guy is back!" Carly glances towards the hunched over pianist, his face practically kissing the keys.  

"That's a different guy the other one didn't have wavy hair like that. I thought they got rid of those anyway to save money."  Her friend Adriana states.

"Well they better bring him back full time considering how much I spent last month!"

The girls laugh and head into the partitioned VIP area temporarily set up for the new Rose Couture Jewelry line available today.  The LA socialites usually only shop at Saks, make a stop on Rodeo Drive or have their personal shoppers bring them clothes to their homes, but occasionally they will shop at Nordstrom for clothes to 'wear around the house'.  They spend enough each month to get invited to all the special events the store holds each season and today they are greeted by a polite sales person who leads them to the hors d'oeurves and champagne.  They recognize many friends at the event already, each wearing a piece pre-ordered from the designer.  You can't show up to a designer's event without wearing their line, right?  Right!

"Mmmm, I want one of those..."  The platinum blonde named Carly says.

"Yeah, these tiny sandwiches look amazing!"  Adriana says with eager eyes darting back and forth at all the delicious looking treats.

"Oh stop it!"  Carly says smacking Adriana's hand away from the plate of food she was about to grab.  "You eat too much, I was talking about him."  Adriana follows her gaze to see a young man in a suit, sunglasses over his eyes and a scowl on his face.  His dark hair is cut short and even through the suit the girls can admire his body.  The second security guard is also well built, but with soft looking red hair.  He notices them staring and tilts down his sunglasses to give them a wink.

The girls giggle and make their way to the seats to wait for the jewelry fashion show to begin.  "After the show lets talk to them.  You can have the red head."  Carly states calling dibs on the frowning one.  Adriana laughs and tells her, "Carly, you always go for the bad boys."

"Yeah, because they're fun!  Imagine all the trouble you could get into."

The lights dim and the pianist moves into a more upbeat tune as the show starts.  The girls find it strange they are using a pianist for the music instead of the sound system, but shrug it off thinking it is what the designer wants.  

Model after model struts down the runway in simple white dresses to make sure the jewelry pieces are the focal point.  "Ohhh, I want that one!"  Adriana says pointing to a chunky double layered chain necklace covered in diamonds--not rhinestones.  The girls wouldn't be caught dead in rhinestones!

"I didn't know this designer did men's accessories."  Carly says as she looks at the suit wearing male model now strutting down the runway with his entire shirt unbuttoned, the longer teared cord necklace hanging almost to his belly button is accented with a diamond cross pendant.  "Look at those masks, so avant-garde!"  Carly exclaims referring to the model's white ghost like mask.  The blonde model strikes a pose at the end of the runway and turns to walk back just as another male model wearing a mask starts his walk.  His t-shirt is wide necked showing off his amazing collar bones.  The model brings his hand up to brush a strand of hair off his face showing off the diamond studs in his ears and the diamond encrusted watch he is wearing on his wrist.

Just as they meet in the middle a third male model that screams perfection makes his appearance and just waits in the back.  Instead of passing each other on the runway, the two walking male models stop to give each other high fives. They spin around and end up back to back revealing a set of guns they have just pulled out from under their clothes.  They point the guns out at the audience just as everyone begins to register what is going on.

"Everyone on the ground!!!"  A loud booming growl comes from behind the girls.

"Oh my god!!  The hot security guards!!"  Carly yells ducking on the ground trying to keep her tight dress from lifting too much.  Adriana turns back to where the guards were posted only to find them wearing those white masks and holding machine guns!!  And the piano is still playing; is that guy insane!?!?!  There is danger here, hellooo...stop the music, Adriana thinks to herself looking towards the piano only to find the pianist with a mask as well!!  He abruptly stops playing only to lift the lid of the piano and pull out a gun of his own.

The man waiting at the back of the stage gives out orders, in a distorted mechanical voice, for everyone to hand over their wallets and jewelry while the masked models hold out empty canvas bags for people to drop their stuff in.

"Get the yellow diamond first!"  The leader orders one of the masked men.

One of the masked models walks directly over to a forty something woman and holds a bag open with one hand, the other holding a gun to her head.

"No please, it's one of a kind."  She stutters holding on to her yellow diamond necklace.

"That's the point, cupcake."  The man states int he same scary mechanical voice of the other model.  When the woman hesitates he shoves the gun harder into her skull and demands, "Put it in the bag."

It has only been a few minutes, but the girls worry why no one is helping, where are the Nordstrom employees?  They are so isolated from the rest of the store for this event no one noticed the trouble they are in, but someone had to have gotten away to get help.

Just as the men finish they take off into the racks of clothing in the next section of the store leaving their guns on the fashion show runway.  When they are out of sight an alarm goes off.  "Run!!" one of the victims yells and this gets everyone going.  Carly gets up and runs in her Louboutin heels like a professional track star leaving Adriana behind to fend for herself.

Adriana gets to her feet and slowly makes her way toward the nearest exit getting bumped and jostled all along the way from other frantic customers who have no clue what just went down across the store.  As she shuffles through more racks of clothing she trips over something and almost falls, just barely catching herself on a mannequin.  She apologizes to the mannequin for grabbing onto her fake breast for support and looks back at the floor to see a jacket and one of those white masks.  The robbers ditched their disguises!!  They could be anyone of us!  Adriana thinks as she suspiciously looks around at the crowd trying to exit the store.

As she gets to the door, security is there checking everyone's shopping bags and purses.  She's let through and finally makes her way to the parking lot to find a waiting Carly tapping her stiletto nails on the steering wheel impatiently.

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