Chapter 3: Bonfire Part I

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This is our ticket in, we've been invited to the bonfire tonight.  We need to befriend these guys, get information on the local groups of hoodlums or gangs and find a good lead for this case.  As I finish getting dressed I catch Kota coming out of the shower. 

"Hey, let's ask them about that guy we saw earlier.  That big guy with the tattoos was scary."  I tell him.

Kota shakes his head, "Sang we can't just go on someone because they look scary."

"I saw a gun on him too!!"  I shout.

"Okay, now that's something to go on."  Kota says putting on his t-shirt.

Sean is taking a nap, but I can tell he's listening to us.  "Sean?"

"Yes, Pookie?"

"Why aren't you asleep?"  I ask him.

"You guys were talking too loud."  He sits up and continues, "I think Sang is right.  That group was suspicious...I think it was four of them.  Not only does the tattoo one carry a gun, but he doesn't do anything but hang out at the beach.  He walks around the beach never gets in the water, breezes through the outdoor gym without lifting a single weight and strolls through the skate park, but never gets on anything with wheels except if it's his motorcycle he leaves on."

"Motorcycle?  I think we should definitely look into him."  Kota says finishing getting dressed.


As I watch Kota toss the football around with Nathan, Luke and Owen I keep myself warm by the fire.  I've been introduced to everyone else including a guy with fire eyes named Victor who doesn't look like he belongs on a beach he looks so clean.  Then there's North who doesn't speak much and Silas who speaks even less.  To be frank Silas has been completely silent this entire time.  He hasn't stopped staring at me though!!

Then there's Owen Boudhi Blackbourne.  He's older than us by maybe two years, I think he's Sean's age, and he seems to be the leader of this group of friends.  When we were formally introduced he was polite, but didn't make much conversation beyond the typical pleasantries, choosing instead to chat up Kota.  Which is a good thing; if we can make friends with these guys it will be easier to ask the questions we want answers to.

"Oy!  Sang, here take another beer."  Gabriel says opening a new one and passing it to me.

"Don't give her that!"  North barks.

"Why not she looks twenty one and even if she wasn't who the fuck cares?"  Gabriel replies.

I don't want them fighting so I speak up, "I am twenty one, just had my birthday on the 6th."

"I don't want you getting drunk Sang Baby."  Sang Baby?  Where did that come from?

Victor comes to my defense as well, "She can do whatever she wants North.  Princess, do you want the beer?"

I look over at Gabriel and the bottle he is still extending towards me.  He looks annoyed that he's been holding it out for me this long, but I can tell he's not annoyed at me but at North.  And I do want a beer, but the cold hard glare North is sending my way is telling me not to.  I hesitate for moment...wait!  Who is North to dictate what I can and cannot do?  And why did he call me Sang Baby?  I give him a defiant look and snatch the bottle from Gabriel's outstretched arm and gulp down half the bottle holding North's stare the entire time.  Take that!!

Gabriel hoots and laughs while Victor gives me a smile.  North is pissed, he grunts before getting up and stomping down the beach into the darkness.

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