Chapter 10: Confessions

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Back at Headquarters....


Sean has already taken an x-ray of my foot and bandaged it up.  After taking a couple pain killers I'm already feeling better.  Well except for letting the bad guy get away.  Phil Roberts came storming into our office telling us about the fashion show robbery and demanding to know what happened.  Reciting my story after Sean and Kota gave their accounts sounded so lame.  I told them I fired three times and missed.  I could tell they didn't believe me, but none of them called me out on it.

I also noticed when Sean and Kota told their story they didn't mention anything about our new friends.  Could they really not know?  I debate back and forth in my head on whether to tell them the information, then scold myself for even considering protecting these criminals!  Why would I want to keep their identity a secret?  The answer to that question scares me and I decide telling them is best.  "It was Bodhi."  I whisper, "I saw his eyes through the mask, it was him.  I know it."

I hear Kota swear under his breath before taking off his glasses and rubbing his forehead.  "Luke and Gabriel."  He says shaking his head.  "I ran into them when the store alarm went off.  I thought they were just shopping, but they just took off their masks and suit jackets!  I bet they had the stolen wallets and jewelry in the bags they were carrying!"

"You couldn't have known."  Sean says trying to calm him.

"I walked right past them!"  Kota says on a frustrated sigh.

"Get over it."  Phil says with no remorse.  "What we need to do is figure out why they targeted this fashion show ignoring the bank next door depositing hundreds of thousands of dollars!  I've gathered up some witnesses, you need to interview them.  Rooms B, C and D.  I'll have the video set to record so we can play back everything later."  Phil leaves the room and we gather paper and pens to take notes as we interview the witnesses.

We enter the first room and see two young girls wearing fashionable clothing and accessories.  Some of their jewelry most likely made by the designer from the show.  Sean looks down at his notepad, "Uhh Carly and Adriana?"

The blonde one smiles, "I love that everyone in LA is so hot!"  Then she winks at Sean and gives Kota a flirtatious wave.  I glare at her and notice Kota looks embarrassed, so does the girl's friend who seems more polite.  Sean just shrugs his shoulders and gets down to asking the questions.

"Did anything stand out before the incident occurred?"  Sean asks.

"Besides the hot security guards?"  The one named Carly asks.

"Yes."  I say tersely.  "Besides the hot security guards."  I wonder which of our new friends posed as security guards, I think to myself as the girl continues.

"Well, the piano guy kept playing during the show.  Usually they have a DJ or a sound system to play music, but since the piano guy was in on it, everything makes sense now."  She pauses to think for a second, "Oh! They specifically wanted the yellow diamond necklace.  I thought the lady wasn't going to give it up, she said it was one of a kind or something.  I thought she was around forty, but she could be older or younger."  She explains while we take notes.

"Older or younger?"  I ask for clarification.

"Well you know how it is in LA."  She says with a shrug and leaves it at that.

"No I do not, can you explain?"  I urge her to continue, more irritation bleeding through my tone.

"Well I thought she was forty, but she could be fifty with Botox or thirty with sun damage.  You can never tell with the people here."  She tells me like it's the most obvious thing in the world and I should have known this the entire time.  I shake my head at the useless information she is giving us and direct my next question towards her friend, "How many total were in on it?"  

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