Chapter 15: One Year Later

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The hike up the small sandy cliff only took me ten minutes.  There aren't many rock formations on the coast of Honduras, but this one is considered the most dangerous despite it's small size.  The waters are rough and disguise the rocky shore below.  Uninformed adventurists often die diving off this cliff when they land on the rocks below; thinking there was more water than there actually was.  It takes great timing and a good instinct to know when it's safe to jump.  Today the hundred year storm is approaching, the winds have already picked up and a piercing rain is already dropping down on me.  It raises the water level making it safer to jump during the swells, but still dangerous as the rough stormy waters can pull you under.  For some, the risk is worth it to reach the hidden caves under the rocks or surf a giant wave.

The danger and adventure leaves no doubt in my mind who I'll find at the edge and I was right.  Owen Bohdi Blackbourne stands with his back to me at the edge of the rock wearing a wet suit to keep warm once in the waters and a surf board under his arm like he's going to use it as a magic carpet to fly off this cliff.  I approach him slowly, the rain fall masking my footsteps, but despite that, I know he can feel me behind him. 

I reach his place and stand next to him shoulder to shoulder looking out at the ocean, trying to see what he sees.  He still hasn't acknowledged my presence so I reach towards my back pocket and take out the present I brought him and toss it at his feet.  A Volto mask left on my doorstep a few days after they took Sang from me.  Written on the inside was "See you soon" and I knew they were playing with me.  I didn't care, I would follow the clues even if it kept me chasing my own tail.  I break the silence, not wasting anymore time, "I got a tip a blonde model and a giant were robbing jewelers in Panama.  Visited every city there and couldn't find a single trace of you guys.  Found a passport for a Volto Sorenson over in Guatemala, I missed you by about a week.  Then rumors of dare devil motorcycle performers in Costa Rica had me headed there.  Of course this is all in between the false leads and fake tips from people who want to feel important to the FBI."

"You don't think we planted some of those false tips?"  He asks me, never taking his eyes off the crystal blue water.

"At first I did.  Then someone in Nicaragua told me of a legend.  All the leads in Central America were true.  I was right on your tail in every Central American country except for one."

"Interesting.  I take it you found the correct country considering we are standing on their soil.  What was the legend might I ask?"

I recite what the local told me even though Owen already knows the details since it was his clue in the first place, "A local told me a legend of the Ciudad Blanca, it's thought to be the lost city of Honduras.  He told me it was the birthplace to an Aztec god.  Sightings of the city have been recorded by Bishops, explorers, even Cortes.  It was a beautiful city lost in the thick jungle surrounded by elaborately carved white stones."

He cuts me off before I can continue, "And yet archaeologists are skeptical.  Every time the location seems to be discovered, events conspire to keep it hidden."

I turn towards him, "This entire time I thought the White City you spoke of was Heaven, it was strange because I didn't take you as religious.  Now I know it was you just giving me clues for your twisted game."  I pause waiting for him to say something, anything to acknowledge the games he's playing with my life-- Sang's life.  He doesn't utter a word.  So I ask him, "Have you found the White City?"

"I have, it's beautiful.  I can't wait to return after the storm."

"You won't be returning Owen.  I have Honduras police here to take you into custody, FBI is already on the way with paperwork to take you in."  I look over my shoulder and see the many men in uniform fighting the rain and stormy weather, making their way to the top coming to take Owen in.  I will finally get answers; I will finally get Sang back.

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