Chapter 7: Hang Nine

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"That was fun!!"  I shout as we walk in from the ocean.

"You're getting a lot better, Princess."  Victor compliments my surfing skills and I notice Kota make a face.

"Oy!  Sang, we have to get you some new gear, swimsuits, a new board, shorts, tanks.  Let's go shopping."  Gabriel says as he starts pulling me away from the crowd.  "Victor come on, man!"

"I'm right behind you guys."  Victor states.  I turn to see Kota running with him to catch up to us.  "Sang, you don't need new stuff."

"Yes, she fucking does.  This swimsuit doesn't even fit her!"  Gabriel says pulling my suit strap and letting it snap on my shoulder.

"Oww!  Kota, I do.  It'll be quick, come with us?"  I ask him.  I don't really want to be without him.  I'm starting to think I can't trust myself around anyone by myself.

Kota takes a moment to decide if he should come with, but then he silently communicates that he should stay to find out more information we could use to find these criminals.  I nod and communicate back that I will try and do the same before turning and leaving with Gabriel and Victor to The Grove.

"Victor, you need new stuff too?"  I ask while he drives us to the outdoor shopping mall.

"Nope, I'm just the wallet."  He states casually.

"The wallet?" 

"Oy, Sang he's fucking rich!  He buys us all clothes and now you too!"  Gabriel exclaims.

"Me?  I brought some money, you don't have to."

Gabriel gives me a chop on the head and says, "Don't argue.  So...I heard someone got a goodnight kiss yesterday."

I blush and start attempting to become invisible, but it's not working.  He laughs and continues, "So when do I get my kiss?"

"What?  I can't do that, I have two..."  I stop at what I was about to admit.

"You have to do what?  Spit it out, Trouble."

"Umm, I have to get something to eat, I'm hungry."  I say quickly.

"Right, that's what you were going to say."  Victor says with a small smile.  Being a terrible liar sucks sometimes!


After stopping at a few shops I have four bags of new clothes and swimsuits, not including the bags of beach gear Victor and Gabriel are carrying.

"Vic I need some supplies, let's stop here."  Gabriel says pointing to a art supply store.

Victor and I wait outside while Gabriel goes in to do his shopping.  Sitting on the bench I can't help but wonder how Victor got his money.  He must be extremely rich to pay for all his friend's stuff.  I know it would be rude to ask, but I can't help but be curious.

"So, how did you join the group?  North told me about him and Luke."  I ask Victor.

"He did?  Wow, he never talks about that stuff, he must have a big crush on you."  

My expression freezes, my jaw dropping a little, "What?"  I cannot have these guys liking me!  Maybe I should just stop talking all together.

"I'm teasing you Sang."  Victor says with a smile.  Does that mean he's teasing me about North's crush on me or North doesn't like me at all?  My thoughts vanish as I listen to Victor tell his story.  "I was the last to join the group.  It was a little intimidating at first.  They all knew how to surf, do all this crazy stuff.  All I could do was play piano."

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