Ch 9: Chasing Bodhi

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"This is so boring."  Sean complains as we wait in our car parked across from the Central Los Angeles Bank.  They are going to be making a huge deposit today and we are waiting in case the robbers decide to hit this place.  So far there have been no signs of suspicious activity, it's just like any other normal day.

I hear Sang sigh in the back seat, "The deposit doesn't occur for another forty minutes I'm going to grab something to eat from that Panaderia."  She says pointing towards the shop a few yards from our car.

As she starts to get out of the car Sean yells out after her, "Get me a slice of apple pie if they have it!!"  She nods in acknowledgement and continues towards the small shop only to have Sean call after her again, "Sang!!  Get me two!!"

"I'm going to take a walk around the shopping center.  Maybe they are going in a back way or something."  I tell Sean as I get out of the passenger seat.

"Okay, call for back up if you see anything."  Sean reminds me and I nod.

I've walked around the entire street, even around the mall and nothing suspicious is occurring.  As I take another lap around I'm approaching the South side of the mall for the second time.  Just as I pass the AMC movie theater an alarm goes off making me on high alert.  At first I thought it was the bank, but the bank is too far away, it sounds like it is coming from Nordstrom.  My mind eases and I don't think much of it, someone was probably just shop lifting a shirt or something, but then a crowd of people burst through the doors in a panic running left and right.  

I run towards the commotion while everyone is running away from it.  I have tunnel vision so I barely notice when I run into one of the shoppers.  I bounce off his shoulder a little.  "Sorry man," I shout turning a little.  Was that Gabriel?  It looks like him and Luke just went shopping, each carrying a large silver Nordstrom bag.  When I turn back towards the entrance of the mall I see them.  Four guys in suits...and masks.

"Hey!!  Stop, FBI!!!"  I shout taking off after them.  They freeze at my voice before high tailing it away and around the corner.  One breaks off to cross the street while the other three start getting into an already running car; the driver waiting for them to get in so they can take off.  I rush into the traffic, avoiding a couple cars and race back towards Sean.  I notice Sang saw the situation and she's taking off after the one who ran.  I jump in the already started car and start shouting, "Floor it!!  Follow the red convertible!!"

LA traffic is famous for being a nightmare so I'm thinking the guys won't get very far, but I was wrong.  They know the area and know when they can safely cut off cars.  Sean and I on the other hand are causing accidents left and right.  We race through a red light, a horn blaring in my ear, and I notice the red car is out of sight.

"We lost them!"  I shout as Sean smacks the steering wheel.  We slowly travel down the street, carefully glancing at all the side streets to see if they are just hiding.

"Right there!"  I hear Sean yell and follow where he's pointing.  It's a gas station at the corner, one of the masked robbers just put back the gas pump and is standing there, like he's waiting for us.  We make the turn and drive into the station slowly.  "What is he doing?"  Sean asks.

"I don't know."  I say as we cautiously approach in our vehicle.  The masked man standing before us is very tall!  He wasn't one of the ones who got into the car.  He must have been the driver waiting for them.  "Where are the other guys?" I ask out loud not seeing any of the three that jumped into the car earlier. I slowly get out of the car and hold my hands up showing I'm unarmed, at least for now.

"We just need to talk.  Where are your friends?"  I ask the criminal and I get nothing in response.  The screech of tires make me whip my head around to see a black SUV pull up behind Sean.

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