Chapter 11: Fear Causes Hesitation

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I run as fast as I can, the only thing on my mind is Sang.  She let me go.  Why?  I needed to get away and if I had to fight her I would have, even though something deep inside me warns not to hurt her.  Turning the corner I don't look back to see if she's still following me, but judging by the three shots I heard earlier I have gathered that she is going to pretend to have missed and failed to capture me.

Coming up to Wilshire Boulevard I spot the black SUV waiting for me.  I stop my running and carefully take off my mask to not garner any suspicion.  The street is busy and I don't wont anyone calling in tips to Crime Stoppers.  Opening the passenger door and getting in I notice the stiff silence that overcomes my brothers.

I shut the door and turn in my seat giving them each a stare that says 'Don't stop on my account'.  They ignore it and stay silent as North pulls out of the space and takes off back to our secret hideout.

We get there in five minutes flat and silently file out of the car and into the tall building that houses million dollar condos.  Once inside our condo we get to work sorting through our spoils.

"Do you have the necklace?"  Victor asks and I can tell he's nervous to have it in his possession.  He's already broken away from his family, but to take them down?  That would make anyone nervous.

"Yes, I fucking got the damn necklace!"  Gabriel says making me internally cringe with each swear.  I watch as he tosses it to him and Victor forcibly rips the chain off the yellow jewel.  The gold cap holding the jewel to the chain goes with it revealing the real purpose of the necklace.  It's not a real canary diamond, but that doesn't mean it's not worth millions.  In this case, the small usb drive is worth an entire empire.

Victor puts into his laptop port and starts reviewing all the files.  "It's all here.  We're doing this."  He states with more resolve than I expected from him.  I nod to show my support while Luke exclaims, "Found the wallet!"  He's waving it in the air like he's won the chance to enter Willy Wonka's chocolate factory.  I guess for us the key card inside is like the golden ticket.

Gabriel snatches it from him and starts pulling out the cards looking for the one we need.  "Oy!!  Look at his fucking driver's license!!  He totally looks like you Luke, same eyes!  And same fucking last name, this shit is too funny."

North stomps over and snatches the card before Luke has a chance to see the license.  Of course the younger Taylor brother grunts first before stating an opinion.  "He does kind of look like you.  Fucking weird.  And I thought his name was Bob."

"He just runs Bob's Cafe, doesn't mean that's his name.  What is it by the way?"  Luke asks curiously.

"Fuck if I know!  It's crossed out on the license, but it's longer than Bob."

"Maybe it's Robert."  Nathan offers, "Bob is usually a nickname for Robert."

"Mmmm, can't tell.  And I'm not bald like this guy.  His name must be something embarrassing.  No one would cross out Robert."  Luke says, finally getting the chance to look at the driver's license.  

"Yeah, like your name, Lucy?" North teases and I shake my head at them.  I found these boys when they were so young, so broken and we have all come so far, but I can't help but worry about them.  What we are doing is wrong.  I know that, but it's the only way to fight the system, to beat the system.  To right the wrongs that have plagued us.  I'm just worried our last plan will backfire.  Our identities are known now, luckily our plan is already in motion.  The opening of the new exhibit is tomorrow...we accomplish this and we retire.  We stop.  We become ghosts, never to be found.

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