Chapter 12: The Mission

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I wake up after hearing the air shift in our apartment.  Kota's arm is wrapped around my waist and I look over towards the dresser...Sean's white coat is gone, so he must have left for work already.  I'm surprised I didn't wake up with all the racket he makes.  Last week Sean had mentioned picking up extra shifts as the FBI doctor.  He wants to make as much money now as we can for when we leave the agency.  Since the sun is just starting to brighten the sky I figure the shift in air I felt was just Sean leaving for work so I attempt to drift back to sleep only to pop my eyes back open when I hear a creak in the floorboards.  I recognize it as the kitchen floorboards.  The one right near the small breakfast table.  

I find it strange because Sean usually makes more noise than this when he gets ready to leave for work so this must be an intruder.  Slowly, I untangle myself from Kota's arm and make my way through our apartment towards the kitchen.

It's dark, but I don't turn on the lights.  I'm quiet enough to sneak up on this guy and I know this place backwards and forwards, walking around in the dark is a piece of cake.  Just before I turn into the kitchen I smell a strange scent.  Spring soap.  It seems familiar, but I can't place it at the moment.  I turn the corner and a darting shadow catches my eye.  Turning towards it I see nothing and it's too late to react to the growing heat at my back.  I attempt to run, but the intruder snatches me around the waist, clamping a hand over my mouth as I attempt to scream.

I kick and push, I struggle and flail, attempting anything to escape knowing you never let a kidnapper get you from point A to point B.  You make it to point B and the odds of you returning are practically zero.  I keep at it and I can tell the intruder is struggling to keep my fighting body in his capture.  It gives me hope.

That hope only lasts a second as a partner of his grabs my legs.  I can't move now and the helper comes into view and all I see is a white mask.  I know exactly who these people are.  I let them escape, I thought they were my friends, but I should have known they are just criminals like the rest of them.  A third volto mask wearing criminal takes a silk scarf and ties it around my mouth as my captor quickly releases his hand.  The man who tied the scarf begins to play with my hair, taking out my clip and combing through the's Gabriel.  I recognize the strong hands holding my legs as Victor's.  He keeps taping them like he's playing an instrument.

I stop struggling and start praying they are just going to use me as a hostage to get away and then dump me on the side of the road once their plan works.  Something deep in my gut tells me more is at stake.  The hulking form in the drivers seat of the car they toss me in is Silas.  I thought the were being rough when they tossed me in the car, thinking I would hit my butt on the hard floor, but no.  Firm, muscular arms catch me before I can injure myself.  I can tell it's Nathan and I'm grateful when he gently lowers me to the floor on top of several pillows.  He ties my arms and legs with rope, they are snug, but not tight.  Then he covers me with a warm blanket.

A bare chest comes into view and a masked Luke catches my attention, "Sweetie, you haven't had breakfast.  I have a chocolate bar if you promise not to scream when I take the scarf off."  

I'm at a loss, here. These guys are criminals. They just kidnapped me and they have pillows, a blanket and chocolate for me?  I nod my head at Luke in agreement fully intending to yell my lungs off to wake up Kota.

Luke doesn't take the scarf off, he just starts shaking his head, "Sang sweetie, why do you lie to me?"  Oh great!  I can't even lie properly when my mouth is gagged!!  I lay there in defeat as the guys pile out of the car and Silas starts the ignition and drives away, taking me from Kota and Sean.

As the car takes me further and further away I see the guys put away their masks and start banging on my apartment door like they've just arrived.

"Kota!  Wakey Wakey!!"  I hear Luke yell just as the car turns, the criminals vanishing from my view.

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