Chapter 5: A Busy Day

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Kota, Sean and I are back at headquarters, last night's bonfire was exhausting since we stayed out until two in the morning.  While I was talking to North last night Kota eventually came and found me so I could go night surfing with them and it was amazing.  Frightening at first, feeling like you could drown in the black abyss, but the thrill of catching a wave under the starry sky overpowered any fear I had.  

At one point I laid back on my board with Kota on one side of me and North on the other and we looked up at the sky together.  It was peaceful and if I didn't know any better I would have found it romantic.  Replace North with Sean and we would have recreated our first date as a trio when my guys took me hiking and star gazing.

Despite my inability to keep my eyes open for more than a few seconds here at work, I'm glad we went last night.  Kota really hit it off with Owen; they bonded over something and I'm dying to know what.  It feels personal so I don't want to ask, but their instant connection is making me jealous.  Which is strange because I'm not jealous of Kota making a friend.  I'm sort of jealous Owen didn't befriend me.  He wasn't rude or anything he was just so formal with me...professional.  He kept an air of propriety between us and it intrigued me more.

Our mission last night was to get information on any troublemakers, groups, gangs or hoodlums in the area; anything that can lead us in the right direction to catch these bad guys.  We got a lead on that tattoo guy I spotted on the beach, apparently he sells drugs.  Our new friends didn't have much else to give us.  They are a large group and mainly hang out with each other.  We need more than just one lead so that's why we are back at headquarters going over the evidence again.  Three surveillance videos and filing box full of paperwork and reports.

"What do you think the mask means?"  I ask Kota while I take a screenshot of the mask and put it through a reverse image search.

"I don't think it means anything."  He says while flipping through a file.

A few hits pop up and of course I click on the most popular information hub out there on the internet... Wikipedia.  There have been cases where this site yields more information than our databases so I can't count it out!

"Volto"  I read out loud, "Volto meaning face or larva meaning ghost.  The mask is known for it's ghost like features and is commonly known as the "citizen mask" because it was worn by the common people of the city."

Kota looks over at my computer screen then raises an eyebrow at me, "So maybe it does mean something, but what?  They're getting in and out like ghosts or are they doing this for the people?  The common citizens?"

"Like Robin Hood?"  I question just as Sean joins in our conversation.

"None of the reports indicate they are giving back to the people.  They keep everything they steal, so it's most likely a symbol for how they are like ghosts.  Never caught."  Sean shrugs as he continues, "Or it's nothing."

"It has to be the ghost thing, they wear the mask every time."  I tell them, "And the suits."

"Not the last hit."  Kota says while changing the video surveillance to the most recent robbery.

"The jewelry store?"  I question out loud.

"Yeah, they wore plain clothes, their helmets obscuring their faces."  Kota explains to me as I watch the footage of inside the store.  Only two perpetrators entered the store--well I should say rode-- they rode into the store on their motorcycles collecting the jewels and precious stones and stuffing them into bags tied around their waists.  They were in and out in under two minutes with over two million dollars worth of inventory.

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