Chapter 2: Making Friends

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We are at a store on the beach that sells surf and skate gear. Sang looks cute in her white tennis shoes, shorts and blue polo with the store's logo on it. I stare at her while she fixes items on the counter and when she looks up I give her a wink just to see her blush.

She's working here to get a feel for the people who hang out around here so we can maybe get a lead on the gang. While she pretends to work here, I'm pretending to be a customer. For the last hour I have been browsing the sunglasses, forty different styles I counted, and no one has come into the shop. I'm starting to think we need a new strategy when a group of one, three guys approaching the door catches my eye.

I casually make my way to the counter so we can begin our routine. Right as I hear the door chime I ask Sang, "So, can you tell me all the gear I will need for surfing?"

"Yes sure, I can show you some of the stuff." She gives me an exaggerated wink while she lifts her head toward the customers, "Good morning! Welcome to Point Break Surf Shop."

I casually turn to look over at the group of guys just as the one with three studs in his ear says, "Oy! Who the fuck are you?"

The more muscular one with red hair saunters over to the counter and leans on it next to me to read her name tag. "Sang, you new here?" He asks with a charming smile. I watch Sang blush and I hope she's acting otherwise I'll be insanely jealous.

"Yeah I just started working here today. Let me know if you guys need anything." She tells him with a smile.

"Oh I'll be needing...oomph!!" The boy with the long blonde hair doubles over from the punch his friend gave him in the gut.

"Don't mind Luke. I'm Nathan by the way." He sticks out his hand and she takes it to shake. I count the seconds until he he releases her hand and let me tell you...handshakes usually last two seconds. This Nathan guy held on for five!! I'm officially jealous.

"Sang." She giggles, "You already knew that. This is Kota." She says gesturing to me as my eyes go wide. We aren't supposed to know each other! She realizes her mistake and turns red and mouths a sorry to me. I give her a reassuring smile and turn to Nathan. "Hey man." I say giving him a nod. He eyes me then turns back to Sang. "So how do you guys know each other?"

Sang blushes again, "Uhh..." She's never been good at lying even with the training we have received so I jump into save her, "We're roommates. That beach house on Ashley Waters Drive."

"Ah cool." Nathan says nodding his head, "That place has been empty for ages." He turns towards his friends "Hey guys! They just moved into Old Man Hendricks' house." He turns back to us and gestures towards his friends, "That's Luke and Gabriel by the way."

"Old Man Hendricks?" Sang asks curiously.

"Crazy old man...don't worry he's dead." Luke says as he walks over and dumps items on the counter to ring up. Their other friend does the same with an even larger pile. He smiles at Sang, completely ignoring me and says, "I'm Gabriel, but everyone calls me Gabe. So I couldn't help but overhear. You're roommates?"

"Nice to meet you Gabriel and yes we're roommates." Sang says pretending to look through the items on the counter.

"Just roommates?" He presses.

I answer for Sang before a telling blush creeps over her cheeks, "Yeah, just roommates."

"Good..." Gabriel starts to say only to have Luke cut him off with "Want to go out sometime?"

"Fucker! I was going to ask her!"

Nathan chuckles, "Guys you can't put her on the spot like that, especially when it's obvious she wants to go out with me."

I'm starting to get really uncomfortable with these guys asking my girlfriend out. I can't blame them, she's beautiful and they think she's available. It brings up my insecurities in our relationship. Secretly I can't take the fact that Sean is with Sang as well. I would never tell her though, it would break her heart. And breaking Sang's heart would tear mine to shreds. I still can't help but worry... if Sang is comfortable with two guys who is to say she won't mind three or four?

Dr. Green warned me Sang might have to get close to a few people in order to get the information we need. I thought I would be prepared for it, but I'm scared she'll leave me and actually fall for one of these meat heads. I already almost lost her to Sean, I don't think I could take anymore chances so I try to cock block them.

"Sang, you were going to show me the gear?" I remind her giving her a pointed stare.

She scrunches her eyebrows together probably questioning why I'm acting funny instead of trying to befriend the guys. "Uh sure, let me ring these guys up." She says quickly.

She's efficient in her work and completes the transaction in less than the fives minutes I counted. As she puts the last of the items in bags she says, "Why seven of everything?"

I notice Luke and Gabriel give each other a look while Nathan answers, "Our friends. We're all getting new gear for the tournament this weekend."

"Cool. Kota and I want to learn how to surf." She tells them and I'm glad she's furthering our plan because I'm too pissed to chat with these guys.

"Oh yeah?" Luke says sweeping his hair out of his eyes.

"Yeah." I say. "I'm here to pick up some gear too. Can't live on the beach without learning how to surf, right?"

"Do you know anyone who gives lessons?" Sang asks.

"We can teach you!" Luke says excitedly.

"Really? That would be great!" Sang says.

Nathan looks serious as he runs his hand through his hair. "Guys what about Bodhi?"

Gabe shrugs, "He doesn't have to know shit! Sang want to learn to skateboard? I can teach you that too."

"Sure." She says with a giggle.

"Alright meet us on the beach at three this afternoon and we'll start with surfing." Luke tells us.


"Get up! Yes that's it!" Luke shouts as we practice getting up on the board.  Fifty four times I counted. Up and down, up and down...I'm getting tired and I can tell Sang is getting bored.

"When can we get in the water?" Sang complains.

"As much as I'd love to be your hero and rescue you when you eat it out there, it's just too dangerous until you master the basics here on the sand." Luke says crouching down to her level while she lies on her board. He pushes a strand of hair that has fallen out of her pony tailback behind her ear and the jealous monster inside me fights to break out.

Gabe, Luke and Nathan continue to teach us paddling, getting up on the board, how to move our bodies. Of course they give Sang more attention, but I've been able to start up some conversations with them.

We all have stuff in common and little by little I'm starting to feel less jealous and more friendly towards them. Eventually they take us out in the water to practice getting up on our boards. Within the next hour Sang and I are both riding small waves.

"Wow! You guys learn fast." Luke shouts as we walk out of the water and onto shore.

"And who might these two be?" A voice asks from behind us.

I turn to find a guy maybe two years older than me. Despite the wet hair and grey surf shorts he still looks completely put together. It's strange and the look he gives Sang is making the jealousy creep back in.

"Oh hey. We were giving surf lessons to these two." Nathan says nervously pointing to us.

The man with the glasses similar to my own takes a glance at me then Sang once more. His eyes linger over Sang longer than I'm comfortable with and I can tell it's making her squirm. I look up at her face and she's already blushing. Just great!

"Invite them to the bonfire tonight." He says and with that parting order we all watch him walk away.

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