Chapter 6: Busted

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Sean and I caught up with Marc, Corey and his twin that same night and followed them to one of the largest mansions in Malibu.  The party is going full blast, luckily the other houses are too far away to hear the loud music.  We wait it out in the car and it seems like the group of guys do know the owner of the mansion, Blake, but not as friends...more like business associates.  A long talk was had, Blake grew angry, the guys looked scared out of their wits, then an agreement was found and they all shook hands before making their exit leaving the party to continue without them.

Next we casually followed them to their Santa Monica beach house, the scary tattoo guy waiting inside listened to the guys explain what happened earlier.

"We were late."  Marc explains, "He was pissed he didn't have the load for the party, so he got a package somewhere else.  He says we can sell our package to him tomorrow morning before he flies off to Vegas."

"Then we'll bring it in the morning."  The large tattoo guy says with a thick Russian accent.


After picking up Sang from her little sleepover as I have been calling it all night and morning, aggravating Sean to no end while I do, we inform her of everything that happened last night and our plan to return this morning to catch them in the act and arrest them.

"So we think they are selling off the jewelry?"  Sang asks as we drive along the coast.

"Yeah, I don't know why he cared if they were late.  Jewels are jewels."  Sean states with a shrug, then turns towards Sang in the back seat, "So Pookie, how was your little sleepover?  Have fun?"

I look in the rear view mirror and see her blush.  "Sang?"

"Maybe we should pull over."  She says mysteriously only making me nervous.  I start to count in my head and it's not helping.  All the thoughts of what could have happened running through my head are probably worse than what really did.

"We can't be late Pookie, what's wrong?  You look so sad."  Sean says always the understanding one.  Whatever happened he will forgive her instantly.  I will take a little longer, but I will forgive her.  I decide it's probably best we pull over even if we miss the bust.

I pull into a gas station and park near the air and water machine.  I turn around in my seat to face her, "Sang?"  The multitude of questions all rolled into one word.

"Umm, Silas kissed me."  She mumbles softly, looking everywhere but at us.

"Kissed you?"  I say harshly.  "Did you kiss him back?"

Now she looks afraid, I start thinking she did and now she wants to leave us.  How could this happen in one night!  That's couldn't have kissed him back, she loves us.

She tucks a strand of hair behind her ear before answering, "I'm not sure."

The jealousy and anger pours through me, "Your not sure?!?!"

"Kota calm down, let her explain."  Sean says putting a hand on my shoulder and pushing me back.  I hadn't realized how far forward I had moved, I was practically hanging in between the front and back seats.  I take a deep breath waiting for Sang to explain.

"Well, he kissed me, but I saw it coming and didn't do anything about it and I didn't stop it once it started.  I'm sorry, I don't know what I was thinking."  She says shaking her head.

"You weren't thinking.  And obviously you weren't thinking about us!  What else happened, you can't expect us to believe it was only just one kiss!"  I say with anger and instantly regret it when I see the hurt look on her face, tears starting to form around her eyes.

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