Chapter 27 Young and In Love

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Chapter 27 Hunter's POV
"LAUREN!" I screamed. Nurses came running threw the door like they were watching me the entire time. I tried pushing threw to see her, but a few of them started pushing me out the door,"you need to leave." "NO! LET ME SEE HER-" "sir please.." "LET JUST SEE HER. PLEASE. LAUREN." I screamed as they pushed me and closed the door. I banged on the door,"Lauren." I whispered in tears as I slowly slid down the door to my knees,"Hunter." I was helped up by arms, I looked up as Taylor had tears in her eyes too. She hugged me as I just hugged her so tight I knew she couldn't breathe,"SHE'S ALIVE." "I know I know, shh." I just cried and cried and the more I kept thinking about it, I cried even more than I did before. I know people are looking at me, I know people heard me scream in the room while I was yelling at her. I pulled away still choking on water,"come on." Taylor said as I walked slowly away from her door.

I was falling asleep on Taylor shoulder as I quickly shot awake. I rubbed my eyes as they hurt from crying so much. A young girl sitting across in a chair from me mouth dropped,"Hunter Hayes, Taylor Swift, and Calvin Harris all sitting next to each other in front of me." I smiled as so did the others. "CAN I GET A PICTURE?!" She stopped,"this is a real bad time huh?" "No babe, you're good." I said in a real mellow voice. I smiled as she came up quickly and sat on the ground in front of us 3,"SAY, I WANT CRAZY, BLANK SPACE, AND BEAUTIFUL NIGHTS!" As we all just smiled,"thank you thank you, my sister is going to freak when she wakes up." "Wakes up?" Calvin asked,"she was in a car accident about a week ago and has been in a coma for quiet some time now." I stood up straight,"how old is your sister?" I questioned,"she's 23. May I ask why you guys are here?" "My wife was in a car accident a week ago too. And they're here just to support, how did your sister crash?" "Umm... A car stopped in front of a semi-truck and she kept going because it was a green light and ran into a car, she was on her way to work, running late." A red vail fell over me as I squeezed the handles on the chair,"Hunter calm down. If you flipped out on a fan who did nothing to you, it will make you look very bad." I looked at her as she grabbed my hand in fear. "Mr. Hayes." I turned my head around and looked at the doctor,"it's been 13 hours since your wife unexpectedly woke up, she's awake." My heart stopped. My breathing stopped. My eyes watered,"you can see her now." I looked at Taylor with complete fear in my eyes then back at the doctor. I got up and slowly made my way to Lauren's room...

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