The Hill | Larry Stylinson

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In which Harry's secret place gets shared with an obnoxious brown haired boy. 

[on my AO3 @xdistorted_cliffordx ]


Everyone has a secret place, whether they realize it or not. It's their place to go in order to be alone.

Harry's was the first hill in the valley on the other side of the woods behind his house. His family knew it was there, but they didn't know Harry had ever dared to venture that far. Ever since he and his sister were young kids, their mum and dad stressed that they weren't allowed to go into the woods unless they were with a responsible adult. Their parents or grandparents never left the sitting room, so they've never been past the backyard.

Harry was the young boy who always wanted to go on some type of adventure, whether he was with someone or not. It's what he lived for at that point and time. Everyday, he had always went out on his family's property, looking for something adventurous. He had explored his old house's field and yard many times, yet he never got bored and continued to do it. There was rarely anything that could stop him, especially moving somewhere else. Harry was five years old when they had moved to the house and Harry saw the big woods behind the home. He was in awe. It was his dream for adventure. Sure, the field was fun, but a woods? There was always new things to discover there.

His parents knew about his obsession with adventure and they didn't particularly mind it since they didn't have to look after him every second of the day. But that's when they were living next to a wheat field. Now that they lived in front of a forest that was God knows how deep, they weren't about to let their one and only baby boy go into it, only to get lost, kidnapped, or murdered in. So, Harry's father took it upon himself to tell Harry horror stories about the woods and what happened in them, crushing his son's dreams and scaring the poor boy so much that it took him two years to get brave and want to go on another exploration again.

He actually discovered the hill by accident when he had snuck deep into the forest one day. What Harry and the rest of his family didn't know was that there was a gorgeous valley behind the woods. It was so peaceful and beautiful. It was like nobody had ever stepped foot there. The scene looked like a painting. There was hills, clumps of beautiful green trees scattered along the small stream that ran through the middle, along with trees and bushes scattered on the many hills. There was birds chirping, deer eating down by the stream. It was just beautiful to the seven year old Harry. There was one particular spot that he absolutely adored and that was under a lone oak tree that was on a hill that overlooked the entire view of the valley. Plus, it offered good shade on sunny days and good shelter on rainy ones.

It became his "place" when he had gotten into an argument with his dad after he had taken away his biking privileges for not asking permission to go biking with his best friend Liam and for going too far. Harry had gotten so upset that he had run out of the house crying and through his little path to the hill. He had spent hours there, crying out his anger and then listening to the birds chirping and the water flowing. He curled into his little crook into the tree, automatically feeling relaxed and content.


-Present Day-

Harry had gotten home, happy to see that only his sister was home. It made it easier for him to leave the house. After all these years, his parents were still completely oblivious to him going to the valley. He or Gemma always told them that he was at Liam's. He used to feel bad for lying to them, but he got used to telling them that and it also helped that they liked to work later than normal quite a bit.

He went up to his room, grabbing his brown leather notebook. He made sure that his pen was in there and then poked his head in Gemma's room. "Tell mum and dad I'm at Liam's."

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