That's Not On Chipotle's Menu | Larry Stylinson

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Pairing: Larry Stylinson

Summary: In which Harry and Louis go out to lunch after not seeing each other for a long time and Harry accidentally lets something slip.

Length: 2K

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Seeing someone that you haven't seen in over a year was something that caused high anxiety. You had to make sure that you looked like your life was well put together (even if it was quite the opposite). You had to look good. Like you couldn't wear your usual t-shirt and raggedy joggers - you had to dress up in a flouncy blouse, freshly pressed skinny jeans, and your best pair of dress shoes or Chelsea boots. It was almost like you had to rebirth yourself so you could impress the socks off of whoever it was that you were meeting with.

If that wasn't enough stress, it didn't help that you had been feeling very strongly for that specific friend that you're going to be meeting with. Especially if you didn't know for sure what their sexuality was. Especially if you used to have romantic relations with them throughout your time working together.

That was Harry's case. It was something that was never really put to rest in Harry's mind. He had always had feelings for Louis, even after the way things had ended. He tried not to let it bother him, just so nobody would be suspicious of anything. They were part of the world's biggest boy band. Their every move was under the world's largest microscope at all times. After they had gone on hiatus in 2015, the band had made it a recurring thing that they meet up and hang out with each other at least once a month. It worked well throughout the year, but tapered off towards the end of November 2016 because of scheduling mishaps. Louis and Harry were the only ones that really made the effort after that, only meeting up twice between November 2016 and June 2017. That was the last time that the two had been together.

And the feelings Harry had for him had grown significantly.

He had tried his best to move on from the attraction - he had even tried to start relationships, but they had never gone further than a few dates. He kept comparing them to Louis and reminiscing on the love that they used to share with each other. When Harry took off on his first small venue tour as a solo artist, he gave up on trying to forget him. All of the songs that were on his album were literally all about Louis. It made him think of him more and made him miss him even more. It also didn't help that Louis was releasing music either. Harry could just have read into it, but he was sure that Miss You was about him. But he was also supposedly back with Eleanor. While the fans came to conclusions that it was just for PR because he was still under a branch of Modest!, Harry was weary that it was real. When they had been together during One Direction, Louis had always shown a type of attraction. Harry wasn't sure it was a romantic attraction (he hoped that it wasn't), but the two clicked. They got on really well together and if Harry hadn't known that it was just a PR stunt to downplay the fans' suspicions, he would've believed that what they had was actually real.

Along with all of the interviews that Louis had done. The seriousness that was in voice when he talked about Larry and how it was basically bullshit...either he was a really good actor or he was being truthful. Harry felt hurt when he would see his responses to the questions. It was as though he was completely forgetting what they had once had together. As if it was just a memory that he wanted to forget. He wouldn't blame Louis if he wanted to forget part of it. It did hurt to remember certain events that had happened, especially how things had crumbled at the very end. But to be so sour at the mere mention of it? That was what saddened Harry because he valued all of the good memories and his time that he had gotten to spend with Louis.

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