Unpredictable | Lashton

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Pairing: Luke Hemmings + Ashton Irwin

Notes: Luke is fifteen and Ashton is sixteen. No smut.

 No smut

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Luke and Ashton had been in a relationship for about three months. It was nearing summer and Luke was sick of going out on the same type of dates with Ashton. He wasn't sick of his boyfriend, but he was getting bored of doing basically the same thing for three straight months. Luke wasn't one to stick to the status quo; he was spontaneous, fun, outgoing. He wanted to do things that normal couples wouldn't do and go out of their comfort zone of just the typical dinner and a movie set up.

Ashton, however, wasn't so much like Luke. The boy was hilarious and outgoing and Luke loved spending time with him, but he was a bit more reserved than Luke. He wasn't spontaneous like him and really liked to stay within the walls of the comfort zone. Luke loved him and had fun spending time with him whenever they were together, but he felt like they weren't making memories by not pushing the boundaries. Luke wanted his first real relationship to be one that he'd never forget. If everything worked out, he wanted to be able to tell his kids about the fun things that their daddies did.

Luke made sure his fringe was straightened to perfection before he grabbed his phone and shoved his skinny wallet into his back jeans pocket. He rushed downstairs here his mum was sitting in the recliner, reading one of her favorite gossip magazines with the TV playing a talk show in the background. As Luke jumped down from the stairs, his mum looked up at him with a smile.

"I'm guessing that you're heading over to Ashton's?" she wondered.

"Yeah. Do you mind if I stay over for the weekend?" Luke wondered.

"The weekend? Why not just the night? His family might have plans," Liz pointed out, shocked that her fifteen year old boy would ask to stay somewhere for such a long amount of time off a whim.

"I have to talk to Ashton about it first. I was just going to get your preapproval," Luke shrugged, trying to show that he was being a responsible boy instead of just up and staying somewhere without telling his parents.

"Oh, well, no, we're not doing anything. I guess it would be alright. But if you do end up staying, please call or something," she requested.

"Of course, mum. If you need anything, I am only five houses away," Luke smiled.

"I know, but I don't want to be that mother that has to storm in on your fun. As much as I love to see Anne Marie, I don't want it to be under those circumstances," she told her son.

"I know, mum. I'll talk to you later, yeah?" Luke told her, bending down to give her an awkward hug.

"You bet. Have fun and be safe!"

Luke bid her goodbye again and walked out the door, walking down the paved sidewalk to start his short adventure to Ashton's house. On the way there, he tried to plan something that they could do that wasn't in their normal scheme of things. They were only fifteen and sixteen years old, so they weren't able to drive anywhere. If they needed any type of transportation, it would have to be through one of their parents or their skateboards or walking. Luke didn't want to have to burden either of their parents with bringing them somewhere, especially not at the last minute. He couldn't wait until Ashton was old enough to drive. That was only a year and a half away and then they could come and go whenever they wanted.

As Luke walked up to Ashton's door, he could see his boyfriend's little sister playing Just Dance in the basement. The girl loved that game more than anything and was always playing it. She was only eight and Luke found it absolutely exhausting how much effort she put into it. He wasn't that much older, but he wasn't as active as he was when he was that age.

"Well, hello there, Luke. It's good to see you," Anne Marie greeted after Luke had rang the doorbell.

"Hi, Miss Irwin. Is Ashton busy?" Luke asked, feeling stupid since Ashton had asked him over.

"Absolutely not. He was in the kitchen with me, so I would assume that he's probably eating all of my cookies," she joked.

Luke followed his boyfriend's mum up the stairs into the wide open kitchen and dining area. Once they were up there, Luke noticed that Ashton was just where Anne Marie had said he was: sitting on the end barstool, munching on a cookie.

"Ashton Fletcher, stop eating my cookies!" his mum yelled, scaring the teenager.

Ashton jumped around and Luke saw his eyes light up when he noticed him behind his mum. He got down from the barstool and jogged over to Luke, encasing him in his arms. "Lukey, I'm so happy you're here."

The two did their ritual greeting bear hug for a few minutes before Anne Marie cleared her throat. "No sex in the doorway please. Or in front of me for that matter."

The two broke apart from each other, both blushing profusely. Ashton looked at Luke and nodded his head in the direction towards his room. Grabbing Ashton's hand, the two ran up the small staircase and rushed into Ashton's room, Anne Marie yelling about not having sex in her house. The two ran and jumped onto the bed, landing with smiles on their faces as they looked at one another. Luke could never get enough of Ashton, no matter what. He was just so beautiful to Luke.

"You're my squishy," Luke smiled innocently, booping Ashton's nose.

"Squishy? Lukey, are you implying I'm fat?" Ashton asked.

"No, you're just so adorable and have an cute little face," Luke gushed, looking at his boyfriend with so much adoration in his eyes.

The two were quiet for a few minutes, just looking into each other's eyes before Ashton spoke up. "What do you want to do today?"

"Let's do something different," Luke suggested, the smile on his face growing.

"What do you mean? I didn't think that there was anything wrong with what we do now," Ashton said, confused that Luke would even think that they would even dare to stray away from the norm.

"There isn't anything wrong with it. I just wanted to do something that we haven't done before. Something that we didn't expect to do," Luke continued. "I know that you don't like change or anything like that, but how are we going to make these amazing memories to tell our future kids about one day if we don't go outside of our comfort zones? Please, Ashton? We wouldn't have to go bungie jumping or anything, but let's just, like, ride the biggest roller coaster at the amusement park."

The two were sitting up on the bed now, Ashton looking at Luke with a shocked expression. Luke wanted so badly for him to agree to Luke's crazy suggestion. "I mean, I guess we could. I have enough money to go today if you want. We would just have to tell my mum."

Luke smiled. "Yes! Let's go! Right now, bug! I'm so excited!"

The two got up from the bed and Ashton told Luke to go tell Anne Marie where they were heading while Ashton got his money for the day. Luke hurried out to the living room where Anne Marie was sitting and watching the TV, giving Luke a small smile.

"What's up, Luke?" she asked.

"Ashton wanted me to tell you that we're going to head to the amusement park for the day," Luke told her, earning a bewildered expression from her.

"What? I thought you were going to catch a movie," she pointed out, shocked in the change of plans. "Why the sudden change?"

"I suggested that we needed to get out of our comfort zones," Luke told her with a proud smile. "To do something new and unpredictable."


I am so cheesy, I should be slapped with a 2x4.

Reminder that these will also be on my Tumblr account!

Tumblr: ive-been-shot-in-the-feels

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