Christmas Beard | Larry

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Harry was walking up to Louis' apartment, trying not to freeze in the bitter winds. The walk from his flat to Louis' wasn't too long, but it was long enough for Harry's limbs to go completely numb. Unlike Harry, Louis lived in a townhome kind of place instead of an apartment building like Harry did. Personally, Harry preferred it over his place, so he always tried to make sure that they would spend more time at Louis' than they would at Harry's.

Fishing his hand out of his pocket, Harry knocked on the front door with his cold and numb knuckles. He could hear Louis yelling something, most likely saying that he would be right there. When the door finally opened, Louis was in front of him. His hair was messy, but still put together and he was dressed in a maroon hoodie and pair of sweatpants.

"Hey, babe," Louis greeted, opening the door wider so his boyfriend wouldn't have to shiver out in the cold any longer. "What brings you to casa de Tommo? I was just going to call you and whine about how much I missed you."

"I just got off the phone with my mum and Robin about the Christmas Eve party," Harry explained as he took off his thick winter coat and hung it on the mostly empty coat rack. "I made up an excuse that you aren't going to be able to go see your family this year because of the cost and I didn't want you to spend your birthday or Christmas alone."

"What if Anne talks to my mum?" Louis asked.

"I told her that you didn't tell Jay the reason why you weren't coming because you didn't want her to worry about you," Harry clarified. "But there is a slight problem with the party..."

Louis quirked his eyebrow, curious as to what the problem even was. The only problem he knew of was getting himself invited to the party and that was taken care of. "I don't know what you mean. We get to go to the party together, what's the other problem?"

"Well, my mum and Robin don't technically know," Harry muttered.

Louis couldn't help but snort. "That's not that big of deal. We'll just tell them when we get there."

"Um, it's actually not that simple," Harry mumbled, avoiding eye contact with Louis. "They don't know that I'm gay either."

Louis didn't have an answer for that. He never thought Harry would be the type that would be so shy about his sexuality. He was confident and open about it from what Louis saw, but apparently, his observations were misleading. "You haven't told them?"

"Please don't be mad at me," Harry begged, looking as though he was about to cry.

"Be mad at you? I can't be mad at you over not coming out to your parents. I've been there. I know how hard it is," Louis reassured. "We can just go as friends and then when we're alone in your childhood bedroom, I'll shag you senseless."

Harry chuckled, his cheeks turning a light pink from the embarrassment of talking about sex. "That would be great, but the problem is that we have to bring dates. That are girls."

Louis couldn't help but laugh. The last time that Louis asked a girl out was when he was twelve years old. His skills were definitely going to be rusty. "Why do we have to?"

Harry gulped and his face paled. "Because they're of the thinking that I have a girlfriend..."

"Why would they think th – you told them you were seeing someone and they want you to bring 'her', I'm guessing?" Louis asked after finally realizing the obvious. Harry just nodded. "Oh, Harold. What am I going to do with you?"

"I'm sorry, Louis! I'm just not ready to come out to them!" Harry cried, preparing for Louis to be extremely angry with him.

"Shh, Haz, it's fine! I totally understand that you're not ready. The only thing is that we need to get girls to actually go with us...or, at least, you. We can't use one of my sisters unfortunately either," Louis responded, reassuring Harry that he wasn't angry. He was more angry at Anne and Robin for not getting back to Harry sooner than the day before they had to leave. "Do you have any childhood friends that live here? The other option would be to hire hookers."

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