Horror Movies | Larry Stylinson

159 1 1

Pairing: Larry

Word Count: 2.7K

Disclaimer: Harry is 18 and Louis is 20 and they are both going to college, but they live in like houses instead of dorms. NO SMUT, JUST FLUFF.

This will be on my Tumblr. and AO3 accounts:

Tumblr - ive-been-shot-in-the-feels

AO3 - xdistorted_cliffordx

There was something about Halloween that got Louis into a horror movie mood

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There was something about Halloween that got Louis into a horror movie mood. Normally, he hated them with a deep and burning passion, but when October 31st rolled around, he became an avid fan and nearly an expert on the genre. 

This year, he wasn't going to go back home to go trick-or-treating with his little sisters. Instead, he was going to spend the holiday alone because his four other roommates were planning on going out partying for the night. Louis was completely fine with spending Halloween alone because that meant that he would be able to sit in the living room and use the 50" flat screen instead of the smaller one in his room. 

He turned into the video store to pick up a few movies that he hadn't seen. It was usually a hit and miss situation since he wasn't completely educated on which movies were the best and the worst, but he didn't mind. It gave him something to do. His eyes focused in on the horror section in the back of the store and he made a beeline there. There weren't many people there, which was surprising since most people were getting off work, but Louis wasn't going to complain. It gave him more room to choose. 

Louis began to glance over the titles, noticing that a lot of the popular movies were already checked out. It was when his eyes landed on the Halloween cover that he quickly walked towards it to grab it up before someone else with eager hands did. Though just as Louis grabbed it, someone grabbed the other side at the same time. Louis' head snapped to the person across from him, his hand not leaving the DVD. 

It was a young boy that looked to be just a bit younger than Louis. He had curly brown hair and a sweet face. He was wearing a tan pea coat matched with a salmon scarf. Louis almost considered giving up the movie just because the boy was cute. Louis hadn't remembered seeing him anywhere around campus, so he couldn't be a college student. Louis would've certainly remembered if he had. 


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