What's His Name | Larry Stylinson

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Summary: Louis works at Starbucks and Harry gives him a fake name every time. 

[On my Tumblr: ive-been-shot-in-the-feels & AO3: xdistorted_cliffordx] 

Word Count: 1481

"Alessandro!" Louis called out, sliding the warm coffee across the counter

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"Alessandro!" Louis called out, sliding the warm coffee across the counter.

He glanced up at the clock, sighing when noticing that it had only been five minutes since he last looked. Working at Starbucks was not Louis' ideal job. It didn't help boost his masculinity any and he didn't even like coffee to begin with. The only reason that he had signed on for it was because he needed money and they were the only place that called him back out of all the jobs that he had applied for. That was five months ago and he's still stuck working there because nobody will respond to him.

It wasn't all bad. He made a few friends with his co-workers that were pretty cool and he got to work with them quite a bit, so it wasn't torturous. The only thing that sucked was the fact that he had to deal with snobby jerks for customers and he knew a lot of people that came in there, a lot of which were girls that he had always hit on. Now that he worked in a Starbucks and was a part-time manager, they thought that he was gay and he was stuck in the friendzone - or what he referred to as the gay-zone.

The front door chimed and he looked through the door. It was a certain long, curly haired boy with green eyes that came in nearly every day. Louis always waited on him. For some reason, the kid brought light to his boring, coffee-filled day.

"Fancy seeing you here. You're about seven minutes later than usual. I was starting to think that you weren't coming in today," Louis smirked at him.

"And screw up my ritual? There's no fucking way I'd do that," the slow talker smirked.

"The usual?" Lou asked, earning a smile and nod from the boy.

Louis totaled him up and asked for his money before he started making the grande Chai Creme Frappuccino. It was somewhat funny that Louis had his drink memorized just the way the boy liked it. He always had to have whip cream on top with a good amount of cinnamon, but not too much. And to garnish it, Louis always put a buzz ball on top of the whip cream. At first, he did it as a joke and wanted to get the boy riled up on caffeine, but it backfired since the guy seemed to like it.

"Make it out to...Bowie," he smirked.

"Yesterday it was Raconteur, which I still am clueless as to what it means, and now it's Bowie? I'm going to guess it's in memoriam of David Bowie?" Louis guessed.

"You got one right. Very good," he said with a smile.

The two boys had a thing going and it honestly annoyed Louis to death. Every day that "Bowie" came in, he would always tell Louis to write a different name on the cup. The thing was that the names were random words that Louis believed half were from other languages. They never made sense and he would always guess as to what they meant, but was always wrong. Except for today, but that was kind of a gimme.

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