The Night We Met | Larry Stylinson

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Based on the song: The Night We Met by Lord Huron

DISCLAIMERS: This does not have a happy ending. You will most likely cry because, well, it's sad and shit. This involves DEATH. 

Also found on my AO3 (xdistorted_cliffordx) and tumblr (ive-been-shot-in-the-feels)

Length: 2K

****OH and also comment if I should include a second part to it when you're finished!

Louis looked down at the textured gray stone, tracing his fingers across the divots where it spelled out his one true love's name

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Louis looked down at the textured gray stone, tracing his fingers across the divots where it spelled out his one true love's name. A tear made its way down his cheek as memories played through his mind like a sappy romance film, complete with a soundtrack. It was so hard to believe that someone he loved so much - his best mate, his boyfriend, his rock - was gone forever. He had to go back to the empty flat that just sat there, sad and filled with memories. Life as he knew it was over.

Louis was completely lost. He never imagined his life without Harry or not having Harry. It was like everything was so different and so foreign. Louis had come to the point that he didn't know if he could live without Harry. It was as though he had never lived his life without him.

Tears were falling faster when he noticed a small envelope tucked between the headstone and one of the flower pots that someone had dropped off. Louis slowly slid it out and his hand automatically flew up to his mouth as he attempted to keep his loud cries from escaping as he took out the contents of the envelope. As he looked through the small pile of polaroids, Louis felt like someone had grabbed what was left of his broken heart and squeezed it so there was nothing left.

The pictures were of Louis' most favorite night that he had ever spent with Harry; it was the night they had first met seven years before. It was the night that changed Louis' life forever. It was the night that had led to the best seven years of Louis' life. The night was now organized in a small pile, all of the emotions and memories captured in just a handful of photographs.


"I can't believe that the Tommo is still standing over here all by himself," Niall Horan slurred drunkenly. "What, are ya too good for anyone here?"

Louis' lips curled into a smirk as he looked at his drunk blonde Irish friend. He put his pointer finger on top of Niall's beer bottle, lowering it from his lips. "Unlike you, I want to be sober. If I happen to meet someone, I want to remember it.. You know, I would actually like it to be more than just a shag."

"Who the hell are you? The Lou I know isn't all domestic and shit," Niall responded, cracking himself up.

Louis' eyebrow quirked and he gently took the beer bottle out of Niall's hand. "I think you've had enough there, boy wonder."

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