Wrappin' Like Santa | Lashton

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There are two types of people in the world: those who love to wrap Christmas presents and those who complain about it every waking moment. Ashton was the first option. Wrapping presents was his passion. It was something that he lived for quite literally. He loved it so much that he got a job at a gift wrap kiosk in the mall so he could take in the joy of wrapping more presents than just his own. His mother thought he was insane, but he just told her that it was part of his holiday duties.

He put on his red apron and elf hat, satisfied with how he looked in the mirror. It was his favorite uniform that he had ever had, no matter how stupid he may have looked. It was something that he always looked forward to putting on because he knew that he would be doing something that he loved while also taking the load off someone else. That's why he took so many shifts and was really good friends with the owner. Ashton always did his job as though he was a happy elf. That was how his boss put it anyway.

"Hey, Ashton. You're here early," Beau, his boss, told him.

"Well, the presents aren't going to wrap themselves," Ashton chuckled as he took off his coat and hung it on the coatrack in the corner. "I didn't know that you were working today."

"Well, I'm technically not. I'm showing a new employee the ropes for a few hours. How long are you here today?" Beau asked.

"Um, I think I'm here until four," Ashton answered.

"You wouldn't mind having to be stuck with new guy for a few hours, would you? He'll be trained in already from this morning. It's just that my little girl wasn't feeling well this afternoon and I'm going to take her out of school early so she can get some rest," Beau explained.

"I'm fine with it. I mean, there's not much that he has to learn since it's wrapping presents, so it isn't as though I'm teaching him to run the store," Ashton chuckled. "Does Cassandra know that you're taking her home?"

"No and I plan to keep it that way," the older man chuckled.

Ashton started to go to work, getting out all of the wrapping paper options from underneath the counter to put onto the spinners. Beau was in the makeshift office, typing something on the computer. Since Ashton had started working there, he didn't understand why the place needed its own laptop other than for payroll. But whenever he saw Beau there, the man was constantly on it. Which caused Ashton to ask what the man even does on it.

"So, when does the new guy get here?" Ashton asked as he got out the rest of the wrapping materials.

"He should be coming any time now. I told him to be here at seven-thirty and he seemed like a punctual fellow," Beau told him, looking over the top of the screen at Ashton. "You two should get along. I think he's the same age as you. Maybe give or take a few years. Speak of the devil, here he is."

Ashton turned around to the entrance of the kiosk to find a blonde guy with some stubble walking towards him. He wasn't yet wearing the uniform from what it looked like and Ashton felt a bit stupid having his on. Never before had Ashton felt that way, but the new kid wasn't exactly ugly and it made Ashton feel very uncomfortable. He wasn't himself when he was around attractive people. He was just awkward.

"Morning, Luke," Beau greeted, standing up from his computer. "Where's your uniform?"

"I have it in my pocket, sir," the guy – apparently Luke – told Beau.

"You're going to need to put that on before the mall opens. I don't care if you think you look stupid, it's part of the job. Just ask Ashton here. He wears his every shift with a proud grin plastered on his face," Beau gestured, causing Ashton to turn and blush. "Speaking of, this is my best employee, Ashton. Ashton, this is the new guy, Luke. You two are going to be spending some time together today, so hurry and get acquainted."

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