Meet The Parents | Muke

211 8 1

Pairing: Muke

Word Count: 2459

Disclaimer: THIS IS IN LUKE'S POINT OF VIEW. Michael and Luke have been dating for about two - two and a half months. Also, there will be NO SMUT because this is meant to be cute and fluffy because I came up with this idea while looking through pictures for graduation and cute scenarios filled my mind. So. Yeah.

This will be on my AO3 & Tumblr account.

AO3 - xdistorted_cliffordx

Tumblr - ive-been-shot-in-the-feels

Luke rushed around his house, making sure everything was perfect and in order

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Luke rushed around his house, making sure everything was perfect and in order. It was only six in the morning and he was panicking for when Michael would be over in twelve hours. If he would've been asked if he was nervous about it two days ago, he would've said that it wasn't a big deal. Now he was losing his mind. His boyfriend was meeting his parents for the first time and everything had to be just right. His parents had to approve of the boy and Michael had to approve of his parents. It was overly stressful in all honesty.

Once Luke was done washing the dishes from the previous night's dinner, he wiped up the wet counter and then turned to see if there was any more damage he needed to tend to. With a confident smile, Luke hung up the towel nicely on the oven handle and went to check out the rest of the house, which was overly perfect. It wasn't that his mum didn't clean the house - she was a huge neat freak. Luke really wasn't, but when some major event like this happened, apparently he turned into Liz Hemmings and cleaned things that were already spotless. It wasn't a bad thing. He didn't want his boyfriend to think that he lived in a pig house.

"Lucas Hemmings, what on earth are you doing up?" Liz asked tiredly. Luke turned around to face the hallway, his mum standing there with her pyjamas and bed head as she rubbed her tired eyes.

"I'm getting ready for dinner tonight. Did you buy the food yet? Do you even know what we're having? Oh my God, mum, you have to know what we're having tonight. If you don't, I'm going to flip. We can't starve the gu-"

"Shut the hell up!" Liz interrupted. Luke shut up and stared at his mother in shock. "Your rambling is too much in the mornings."

"Sorry, mum," Luke apologized with a blush as his mother walked by him to go into the clean kitchen. "Can you wash your bowl when you're done? I just made sure that the dishes were finished."

Liz turned around with an irritated look on her face. "Luke, calm down. Everything is going to be fine. We have how many hours until Michael is supposed to be here. The house is already clean and all we need to do is get the food from the store. Oh, and I need to get a few embarrassing touches. But don't worry. It'll all get done in time."

Luke was quiet, knowing that his mum was minutes away from yelling at him. She wasn't really a morning person. He understood since he surprisingly wasn't one either. In the meantime, Liz had poured her cereal into a bowl and sat at the dining table. She took a scoop of the breakfast food, beckoning her son to join her instead of standing there and contemplating what needed to be scrubbed down to nothing next.

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