Irish Nights | Niam

134 7 5

Pairing: Niam

Word Count: 2237

Disclaimer: This is inspired by a Irish dance show that happens at the Belvedere Hotel in Dublin, Ireland (It's pretty awesome to see, so if you travel to Dublin, I recommend!) . This will mainly be in Liam's POV. NO SMUT! There will obviously be mention of drinking because Ireland. Both Niall and Liam are the ages that they are now. :)

This will be on my AO3 and Tumblr account.

AO3 - xdistorted_cliffordx

Tumblr - ive-been-shot-in-the-feels

He had barely been in Dublin for twelve hours and Liam had already determined that it was the best place on Earth

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He had barely been in Dublin for twelve hours and Liam had already determined that it was the best place on Earth. It was his first time in Ireland and at first, he had been terrified since he was going by himself, but that fear soon dissipated when he landed. The people were some of the friendliest that he had ever had the chance to encounter and they were more than happy to treat him as if he was one of their own. 

It wasn't nearly as big as London, where Liam lived, but it was a nice change. He didn't know what to do since he had failed to look much up before he left on his journey, but he had heard a few things from some other tourists and also some of the events happening around the city from the locals. 

He walked into the entrance of a hotel, restaurant, and pub by the name of the Hotel Belvedere. While he was eavesdropping on some tourists, he had heard that there was some Irish dance thing that was happening down in the bar. It sounded interesting to Liam and he didn't have anything better to do, so he figured that he might as well go and take in the show. 

Surprisingly, there wasn't a line when he stepped into the entrance, but when he glanced at the clock, he realized that he was a bit late. He showed his ticket to the tender and she sent him down into the bar. There was whooping and cheering while three Irishmen sang what Liam gathered as a traditional Irish folk song. Liam had always liked the Irish folk tunes that he had heard because they were so easy to sing and were catchy. 

He shuffled his way to the bar that was in the corner and ordered himself a glass of Guinness, and turned to watch the men sing a classic tune. The bartender gave him the drink and Liam gave him the appropriate amount of Euros. He turned, hoping to find a table or a chair somewhere, but was coming up blank. That was until he spotted a place at the very end of a row of high top chairs. The chair was next to a blonde guy that looked to be around the same age as Liam. Liam thought that he was cute, like most of the Irish guys that he had seen. He was thankful that he got a seat next to an attractive guy because he might not spend his entire time in Ireland alone. 

The song quickly finished and everyone applauded. The middle man started talking as they took a brief break. Liam took a drink of his beer, the liquid going down his throat smoothly. Liam always swore that he would never have Guinness unless he was in Ireland to get the full effect of the experience. Might he just say that it was well worth the wait. 

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