Surprise, Babe | Larry Stylinson

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Summary: In which Harry gets a surprise from Louis after coming home from Paris.

Length: 3.6K

Top!Louis, Bottom!Harry, Angst


Harry was finally back home after his week-long trip to Paris with his mum and sister. While he had an amazing time with his family, he was extremely excited to be back home with his boyfriend Louis. During their relationship, that week was the longest that they've been apart. It wasn't as bad as he thought, but Harry didn't want to have to do it again.

As Harry approached his shared flat, a smile formed on his face. Louis was of the thinking that Harry was still in Paris until tomorrow, so Harry was going to definitely be surprising him. The thing about Louis and Harry was that neither of them liked surprises unless it was something such as what Harry was about to do - which didn't happen all that often. Other than that, surprises were a huge no.

Harry fished his keys from his coat pocket, fiddling with the lock for a few minutes. Once the door opened, he expected to see his boyfriend lounging about on the couch or see him making the some mac n' cheese for himself in the kitchen, but there was nothing. The telly was off, the kitchen looked unused. It was surprisingly clean. It surprised the curly-haired boy that the house looked ultimately unlived in. Louis was one of the messiest people that Harry knew and he had expected that he was going to have to dedicate the next day to cleaning up his mess, but it turned out that he didn't have to.

Without thinking into it, Harry struggled inside with his suitcases, figuring that Louis was either out or he was upstairs taking a nap. It wasn't out of the man's register to nap. Harry parked his luggage behind the couch, not really feeling up to bringing the heavy stuff upstairs. Grabbing his smallest carry-on, he decided to take a shower. That way he would find out whether or not Louis was asleep and he would also get the grime of the flight off of his body. Quietly, he made his way upstairs, going into the extra bathroom next to the guest room. He didn't really want to wake Louis by trudging through their bedroom into the master bathroom. It wouldn't make it a surprise.

Harry closed the door and began stripping down to his boxers after he turned on the shower head to heat the water. He began digging through his carry on when he realized that he had forgotten to grab the complimentary shampoo bottles from the hotel bathroom, causing him to have to grab his shampoo and conditioner from the hall closet. Harry casually walked out onto the landing to make his way towards the closet when his face scrunched in confusion.

Before he could reach the closet he heard a banging noise coming from somewhere down the hall. It reminded Harry of those horror movies where someone was tied up in the closet and was trying to get out. That's what made him slightly apprehensive as he approached where it was coming from in just his boxer shorts without some sort of weapon. It was then that he discovered that it was coming from his and Louis' bedroom.

The worst thoughts roamed through Harry's mind. Had Harry came home to a burglary? Had someone tied Louis up and locked him in their bedroom? There was so many horrific thoughts, that it caused Harry to feel the onset of a panic attack. After a few minutes of just holding the golden doorknob, Harry twisted it open, ready to fight whoever was trying to hurt him.
However, the sight that was behind the door made Harry freeze in his footsteps.

Louis was looking at Harry like a deer-in-headlights as he was hovered over some other man, his member halfway inside him. Harry felt tears of hurt and anger press at his eyes. He felt his heart dissipate. Harry had so many words that were fighting to get out of his throat, but his body was completely frozen.

"Harry, I - what are you doing here?" Louis stammered out, sounding both surprised and disappointed.

"What am I doing here? What am I doing in my home? Are you really asking me that right now, Louis?" Harry hissed, his vision quickly blurring. Nothing happened other than the intense staredown between Harry and Louis and the awkward expression on the other man's face. "Louis, are you that stupid to think that I want to even look at you when your dick is halfway in another man's ass?!"

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