That's Not On Chipotle's Menu pt. 2 | Larry Stylinson

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Summary: In which Harry tries to figure out what kind of feelings Louis has for him.

Length: 1.9K

Also available on my Tumblr (bananaxbee) and AO3 (xdistorted_cliffordx) 

*There is mention of Camille Rowe and Tess Ward. It is considered negative, but not hate. I know how people are nowadays with these two, so PLEASE do NOT comment rude or hateful things towards me for including it or towards those two. It will be deleted and reported.*


Harry felt utterly embarrassed. Why had he said that? Did Louis actually hear him? Anxiety was taking over his body and he felt like he was on the verge of having a panic attack. What really bothered him was that Louis was acting normal and like nothing happened. What if he had heard him? Did that mean that he didn't feel the same way?

"How are you enjoying your burrito bowl?" Louis suddenly asked, bringing Harry back to the present.

"Oh, uh, it's really good," Harry answered.

Louis' brow crinkled. "You've barely touched it. You don't have to worry about hurting my feelings, if that's what you're scared of. It's not for everyone."

"No, I promise, Lou, it's great! I'm just...I have things on my mind and -" Harry rambled, not lying.

"Things on your mind? Like what? Someone as successful and M.I.A. as you? What could you possibly have to worry about?" Louis asked, a hint of a smile on his face.

"Just...some personal things," Harry said with a tight smile before dismissing it with a wave of his hand. "It's nothing. I'd bore you if I told you."

"Haz, I'm one of your closest friends. You can talk to me if you need to. That's what I'm here for," Louis smiled.

Harry reciprocated the grin. "Thanks, Lou. I'll be fine. I just need out of my head."

Louis nodded and they went back to eating in silence. Out of the corner of his eye, Harry watched as Louis nibbled at a chip. He looked like he was in his glory. He looked happy. Harry hadn't seen Louis genuinely happy in what felt like a millenium. That saddened him, knowing that he had been that stressed and under pressure for those five years. Harry was the same way, but he knew Management burdened Louis so much more.

"How's Eleanor? You two going well?" Harry asked, figuring that he might as well get the elephant out of the booth.

Louis stopped mid-chew and looked up at Harry, his sea blue eyes meeting Harry's green ones. "What?"

"Eleanor. I had read that you two were back together and saw some photos," Harry explained, forcing his smile. He would've said that he was happy for him, but he really wasn't. If anything, he was completely envious. Louis knew that.

"Um, she's fine. I haven't talked to her in a while, actually," Louis admitted, looking down at his burrito bowl.

"Wait, what do you mean? I hate to tell you, Lou, but that isn't how relationships work," Harry said with a slight chuckle.

"That's only if you're in one," Louis mumbled.

Harry scrunched his brows. "I'm sorry, Louis. I didn't mean-"

"Don't sweat it. The media makes it seem like we're happier than ever, but we're only just casual friends," Louis told him.

"You never got back together with her?" Harry asked.

"No. I never wanted to really see her again either," Louis shrugged. "My management thought that it would be a wise idea to make it look like I went from a party boy to domesticated and settling down. They wanted to continue the image that Modest had been formulating. Also, we were never in a relationship together. You knew that, H. Why would we be getting back together if we never started?"

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