Chapter 22

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Hayes POV
*1 week later*
I have been so depressed with K lately. I cant eat,i cant sleep, I can't consentrate. I CANT DO ANYTHING! I homestly feel terrible about what I've done, Mahogany sure doesn't, shes been trying to get with me for the past week. I thought K and her were friends. I guess not. K decided to stay, she wanted to stay with Shawn before he goes back to Canada for school. I'm pretty sure K wants to go with him, if she does I may as well just let her go. I know she's never gonna like me again.

We all walked into the hotel for Magcon DC I'm pretty sure this last week has been pretty awkward for all of us but I think thats over now. I just font know if anyone will make me feel the way K does.

*the next day*

Normal POV

I'm so excited for magcon DC! This week for rhe first time ever, I'm going on stage and singing with Shawn i think it'll be good, I'm really happy. Although thats what everyone thinks but its all a mask. The truth is, im a mess without Hayes i think I'm still trying to recover from my heartbreak. We all get ti the stage and start. The boys are being stupid and i just laugh at them. After a while they all sat down and Shawn told then all i was singing with him and I walked out they all cheered.

"So this is my sister K"
Shawn said as i sat down waving. They were still all cheering

"She's gonna sing one of my songs with me. Its called 'Stitches'" they all cheered for Shawn as he started playing.

*skip song because i cant bother to write all the lyrics*

"I'll be needin, stitches" i sang with Shawn. As I opened my eyes everyine looked shocked

"Are you ok?" Maggie asked me i felt hot water rushing from my eyes i didn't realize that i was crying as i sang. I ran off stage into the bathroom still crying.

"This is all your fault!" I heard someone say

Someone came closer opening the door was Madison Maggie Callie and to my surprise Mahogany

"Baby girl im so sorry, i feel terrible about what i did, i didn't know what i was doing. He's 3 years younger anyways." Mahongany explainedz

"I-i- i forg-ive y-ou" i stuttered still crying she nodded and hugged me tight. It only tiok her a week to apologize. But Madison Maggie and Callie have been there for me since last week when the boys bought then to meet us all and we're all really close.

"G-guys i dont know wh-what I'm gonna do, I'm a m-m-mess. Wh-why am i so like th-this?!" i cried and cried to them.

"I mean I'm only 15 and I'm crying about a boy i met a few weeks ago. But i just can't seem to stop it"

"K its gonna happen more times than this" Callie chucked trying to lighten the mood.

They cleaned me up and I walked out. The event had ended and we were all just sitting out back stage. Shawn ran straight to me asking if i was ok. Of course i said i was even though i really wasn't. My first heart brake, because of Hayes Grier.

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