Chapter 26

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I woke up, "You finally got it right kiddo" that voice in my head keeps talking but I dont know what to say back. I dont know who it is but they're calming.

I had a shower and got dressed. I slightly curled my hair and put on some light makeup. I walked downstairs and grabbed an apple, as i finished i heard a knock on the door. I chucked the core in the bin and walked to the door.

"I got it!" I yelled, i swung the door open and was greeted by a warm hug.

"I missed you while you were on tour" Daniel spoke while still hugging me

"I wasnt gone that long" i laughed hugging him back

"Oh well, lets go for a ride"

"Sure" I shrugged getting my board

"Mom! I'll be back soon im just going for a ride" i shouted upstairs

"Be back before Shawn and Camilla leave!" She yelled back i replied with okay and we left. We rode to Dani's 'spot' and sat there for ages just laughing I was always laughing with Daniel he just had that vibe ya know?

"Well its nearly 2.30 , Shawn and Camilla leave at 3" I said getting up

"K, wait" he said getting up too

"I really like you" he said

"Sorry, what" I asked

"I really like you" he repeated

"Look, being without you these last few weeks killed me, in the small amount of time we've know each other, I've fallen for you, i cant hide it anymore" he started leaning in and i did too before i could even comprehend what happened. His lips locked with mine. We were kissing for about 10 seconds before i realized what I was doing, i pushed him off

"Dani, I can't, I'm dating Hayes" his eyes widened as i ran off out of the bushes and i skated home. I dropped my board and ran up to Shawn engulfing him in a hug tears running down my face.

"Hey, hey, I'm only gone a couple weeks" he laughed before he realized i was crying. He walked me into his room where Camilla was sitting on the bed.

"Honey, whats wrong?" Camilla asked. God i loved it when they helped me together

"I-I-I" i stuttered

"K, you what?" Shawn said worried

"I kissed Daniel" I blurted out

"Why is that a bad thing?" Camilla asked

"I mean it's a bad thing on its own but why are you crying?" Shawn ased trying to lighten the mood

"Because, after you guys left my room last night, I texted Hayes and he came back in. We started talking and before he left he asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes" i explained leaving out the part where Hayes and I made out.

"Ugh! K dont do those things behind my back" Shawn said worried. It was funny how he got annoyed with me for dealing with the boys, he's just protective, its cute.

"Im sorry, it just happened" he shook his head at me

"Are you going to tell Hayes?" Camilla asked me sofltly

"No! I can't, should I? Ugh, I'm just so confused" i groaned flopping back on Shawn's bed, they exchanged looks and looked back at me.

"You have to tell him" they said at the same time

I groaned running my fingers through me hair.

"How am I ever going to tell him this"

Short chapter and sorry if it was crappy but the next one might be better but its short also. Sorry

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