Chapter 33

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Hayes' POV
"Here we are bro, I know this place like the back of my hand, about now she'd be in English, Its in the back building" I nodded at Jay, he's been here for years He used to go here before he got kicked out for gotting caught smoking in the parking lot "I hacked into their system and found out where her seat is. It's the third row on the far left right next to the window"

"Thanks bro, its a real help" I thanked him giving him a bro hug

"I'll wait here, go get your girl, Benjamin" he smirked. I lightly punched his shoulder and walked to the back building. They were ij the middle of class and K was right where Jay said she would be.

I was in English and I had already made friends with the girl named Callie that sat next to me.

"Callie? My friend Matthew has a girlfriend named Callie" I giggled

"Is he the really hott one with the blue eyes and dark hair?" She replied looking at me

"What no, why would you think th-" she cut me off by pointing at the window, I turned around and there stood the one person I didn't want to ever see again, Hayes.

I was in total shock, why the hell is he here?

"Miss Mendes?" The teacher said. My head snapped towards her and the whole class was looking at me

"Im sorry, what was that?"

"Are you alright Karisma?" She asked

"Yes, I'm fine, could I please use the bathroom?" She nodded and I got up walking out to Haues and pulling him so no one could see us.

"What the hell are you doing here?!"
I whisper yelled at him

"I came to see you, did ya miss me?" He smirked

"If I did, do you think I would be here and not at school with you?" I snapped

"Well yeah, why dod you leave anyways?"

"Oh let me think, my ex boyfriend spoke shit abouf me before i even got to the school so ths only friend I had was Daniel fucking Skye making it impossible for him to habe friends. Is that what you wanted Hayes? Did you want me to dread that school so bad I wanted to move to fucking Canada and leave mg only friend alone?!" I yelled now with tears forming in my eyes.

K, he doesn't know what he's doing sweetie, bring it back a bit that voice said again

"Who's side are you on!" I yelled Holding my head in my hands starting to cry. This was the most I've ever cried in a year and It was all for the same boy, what is wrong with me?

I dont take sides, I'm your mother, I guide you in the right direction

What? My mother? Whats happening? Where am I? Who am I?

The world aroumd me was spinning before I collapsed to the ground and everything went black.

Hayes' POV

K didnt seem too please to see me, sje started cring and screaming to herself before she just fell.

"K, K, K dont go. Dont go please" I yelled starting to cry. I ran up to that classroom and started banging on the window. Theu all looked over to me and the teacher came and opened the window

"Young man, who are you and why are you here?"

"No tims please just get help, K collapsed and I dont know what to do" I cried the teacher looked over and saw K on the ground.

"Okay just calm down. Callie call 911, Jai go get nurse Jenny shes in the infirmary and I'll go get the principal, young man jusg stay there with K and help will come soon" she said calmly but all I could do was worry and cry think about what might happen...

Sorry havent updated in a while but I'm gonna try and od another chapter tomorrow.

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