Chapter 41

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I shot out of my bed panting. Phew it was all a dream

"K? You alright what happened" Mahogany asked rubbing my back

"Yeah um. Are we heading for magcon?"

"Uh, yeah the shows tomorrow we're in Orlando" she looks at me confused "did you have a dream about Hayes or something?" She mocks

"Hayes!" I shout jumping out of bed running out towards the couch. I see Hayes sleeping and I run up to jump on him wrapping him in my arms.

"K? What are you do-" I cut him off by locking my lips with his as he sat up. That dream made me realize how bad things could go with him and mess up the rest of us. I pulled away and smiles giving him another hug, this time him hugging me back.

"What happened? Its 4 in the morning"

"Uh nothing, it was night terrors" I lie he awwwws and hugs me tightly once more

"Can I stay with you?" I ask giving him puppy eyes

"People will see us in the morning"

"I dont care about that anymore, lets just be together. All the other guys get to" he nods and I get in the blanket with him we snuggle into each other worried as if the other will run away. Falling asleep in each others arms.


"I think someone got cosy" I hear Carters voice and the others snicker. When I hear a click I shot up off the couch not waking Hayes walking up. I stomp over to Johnson who took the photo and snatch his phone off him throwing it at the wall.

"Hey!" He whines I grab his shirt collar and pull him towards me

"You don't show a soul. I get enough hate already for being with you guys. And dont wake me up ever again, got it?" He nods and I let go walking back to Hayes lying down with him again.

"Someone's moody, is it cos you're boyfriend isnt up defending you?" Carter teases

"I'm tired okay, dont push me Reynolds" I threaten he raises his hands in defense and goes to his room.


"It's 10 am wake up we're getting breakfast with the rest of the guys in 15" Mahogany shouts I groan and wake up Hayes

"So you guys decided to come out with your relationship?" I nod and she chuckles

"I'm still kinda scared of telling Shawn" he laughs

"Dont be, he's harmless" I chuckle back I just dont want Shawn to know but I can't live my nightmares. Having that dream made me more cautious about what could happen in my life.

We meet down in the lobby and Hayes and I walk out together the guys make snide remarks, smirk and all that jazz but we just laugh at how stupid they are (yet in a good way) Shawn gives us a look and I feel all weird around him a thing like this has never happened.

"So K..." Carter starts smirking

"Carter, I love you and all; but start with me and I'll make sure you can't have children" I threatened glaring at him as he raises his hand in surrender laughing

"Its funny how you thought she was joking" Shawn chuckles.

"I was just going asking how you and Hayes are going K, I mean you both left by yourselves yesterday and this morning you were both cuddled up on the couch. I was just wondering whats going on, you know like a good friend would" he teases

"You wouldn't know what a good friend was if it hit you in the face" after I said that Matt slapped his face

"Ow! Fuck you" he groans

"See what I mean?" Me and Matt laugh because he's so dense he didn't even get what we were doing. God I love Carter, I love all of these boys, I cant imagine how my life would be if I lost them.

"K and I are dating!" Hayes announces everyone's eyes widen except for Mahogany Carter Johnson and Matt cos they already knew.

"You what?!" Shawn snaps

"We're dating" I repeat "don't kill us"

He chuckles and nodds "I wasn't gonna but okay" guess he's okay with it then.

We ate breakfast and fooled around a bit before magcon. Shawn and I sang and all that and after the show. The guys decided to invite Madison Maggie and Callie to magcon. For a sec I had some spare time so I decided to call home, but not my mom I'll do that later with Shawn. Within 3 rings he picks up and I can tell he's smiling.

"K, Hi"

"Hey, I just wanted to call amd see how you're going" I chirped

"I'm doing pretty great, I started getting more subscribers on youtube and stuff like that" he said

"Really? Thats heaps cool"

"Haha yeah, so hows the tour going?"

"Really good, the boys are doing well" it felt so good to talk to him again

"Thats cool, did you run into Hayes?" He wondered

"Mhmm, we're kinda um" I trailed

"K? Tell me, you know you can"

"We're dating, as in he's my boyfriend now" I said nervously

"Really? Wow, that's cool, I knew he liked you"

"You're okay with it?" I asked confused

"Yeah? Why wouldn't I be?"

"True, well I kinda habe to get back to the guys"

"Yeah I better go too, my mom wants me, Bye K"

"Bye Daniel" I said slowly before hanging up and walking over to the guys smiling.
Everything is perfect now.

5 months later

So magcon finished and Shawn decided to move over here cos he didn't want to go back and he told us about his girlfriend but she's on tour at the moment and afterwards she'll come and visit.

Hayes and I are about to do something we didn't want to do until we were both ready but we're kinda serious about this whole relationship thing I mean we're only 15 so we dont know yet but we're sure we wanna do this now.

I walked over to his house and knocked on the door. Nash opened the door and hugged me and Liz was around so I said hi to her and Sky aswell. I walked up to Hayes' room, opened the door and there he was setting everything up.

"Hey babe" he smiled as he got up from the floor to give me a quick peck on the lips

"Are you sure you want to do this? Alots' gonna happen" he warned I nodded

"Yep, I want this, I'm ready" I said nervous and excited at the same time

"Okay go sit on the bed" he pointed while he finished setting all the suff up. He walked back to the bed and sat down with me.

"Hey, I've got you alright? you'll be fine" he assured me rubbing my back. I nodded and kissed his lips passionately. I pulled away

"Alright go over there and wait before I start" I nodded and walked away as he started...

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