Chapter 40

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"What? No way! I'm just starting to get a life here, I'm not moving to a completely different country where I have to start my whole life over again!" I argue

"K this isnt negotiable, you're going and you're living with Grandma and Gramps, it'll be fun" she forces

"No! I'm not going"

"K, it's me, it wont be that bad" Shawn says softly

"Yes it is, what am I supposed to do? lose my friends all over again like I did when I lost my memory because of that fucking Hayes kid? Move to a completely different country that isn't even where I'm from?! With a family that isnt even mine?! A boy that isn't even my real brother?! How the hell do you expect me to do that?!" I yell and storm upstairs.

Knowing my mom I'm moving no matter how much I yell at her or Shawn. I slam my door locking it and bursting out in tears. I know Shawn Bri and Paisley aren't even my siblings, knowing my mom isnt even my mom it does some damage to you. Knowing a completely different life you're whole life then finding out it was all a protective lie?! I'm sitting at my door crying for about 5 minutes before I stop hearing a knock on my door. I open it up and see my mom standing there

"Mommy" I whimper leaping into her arms holding her closely. she hugs me back tightly stroking my hair as it cry into her shoulder

"How did you find out?" She asks

"I heard you and Shawn talking awhile ago, he's not my brother?" I cry even louder

"No honey we found you, years ago and Shawn was young so we knew he wouldn't realize, I'm sorry for not telling you" she starts to cry "I dont wanna let you go but its the only thing I could think of at that moment and its only til your memory comes back"

"Mom, What if it never comes back"

"It will honey, it will"

She's right ya know, have hope baby girl

what the hell was that?! Some sort of voice in my head. It was probably just a one time thing.


"Okay that's every thing lets get into the car" my mom says and we all do. Today's the day Shawn and I go back 'home' Sam, Kenny, Callie, Daniel, Nash and Carter came to say bye this morning I kinda didn't let go of any of them and friends I had made said bye or I wouldn't see them til the next Magcon which was in a few months.

As we were driving I plugged in my phone and put on 'Paradise' by Jack & Jack on because 1. I love them 2. They're songs are awesome and 3. they're close friends. Pretty much all the guys became close friends supposedly before and after my accident.

We're never changin, we'll stay the same yeah

We'll bever change at all.

We're never changin, we'll stay the same yeah

We'll never change at alllll.

Get away from it all not a care in the world

Watch the sun hit the water as the waves curl

No plans but a drink in my hand

No shoes

No shirt



Get away from it all no one knowns what we're hiding

Cmon baby girl waters fine just dive in

Aint a dream so open you're eyes

We're just livin in paradise

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