Give me Sign!?

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Chapter 31

Niall’s Point of View

I sat crying hard in the waiting room with all the other boys. How could I let this happen to her? Why couldn’t this happen to me? I deserve it, I’ve been horrible to her anyway!

“Boys.” A voice says. We all look up and wipe the tears away. It was a nurse.

“Yes.” Louis mumbles.

“I have some news.” She sighs. We all looked at each other worried.

“Good or bad?” Harry whimpers.

“Um slightly both.” She says. We just nod.

“Well to start off Kailee hasn’t died from this accident but she was very close, She has broken her ribs, left leg is broken too and has suffered severe  injuries to the brain, bad news is that she might not remember everything like she used to, the part of the brain that makes her remember events, people etc has been damaged, you have to be careful when she wakes up which should be in a few days to a week.” She says.

“Is there a big chance she’ll forget us?” Ill ask quietly. The doctor hears and sighs.

“Im not to sure at this point in time but chances are that it is a no.” The doctor says. I sigh in relief that she might remember us. There was an awkward silence before the doctor spoke again.

“If anyone is really desperate to say something to her or just see her, I suggest you do it now, before visiting hours close.” I look around the other boys and they all look over too me.

“We want you to see her, she means more too you than anyone of us.” Louis says patting my knee. I stand up and give them a slight smile before following the nurse to her ward. I was quite nervous to see her; I never liked visiting people at the hospital ever since I could remember. It just seemed highly unlikely that people would survive after something traumatic so it makes me feel queasy every time I think of someone giving up a life because of an accident. Especially if it was Kailee.

“Okay she is in here.” The nurse says before opening the door for me.

“Take as long as you like, ill come and get you when its time to go.” She smiles. I walk into the room where what seemed like a cold, sad place to be. There on the bed was one of my best friends, half dead and unable to hear or speak to me. I sat beside her and looked at her harshly bruised face, she was still beautiful when she was asleep and all bruised. Seeing her so peaceful made me happy, she never looked so peaceful.

“Kailee, if you can hear me I just want you to know that im sorry. Im sorry that I made you like this, this is all my fault you never would’ve been in here if it weren’t for me, I should be where you re not you, you did nothing wrong, you even stook up for me in front of them girls,” I pause and let a few tears fall down my cheek. I grab her cold, soft hand and intertwine our fingers.

“Please don’t go Kailee, your everything to me, I wouldn’t want to live without you, you can make everyone feel better about themselves without even trying, if you go my whole world will go upside down.” I stop again but end up crying harder, she couldn’t hear me, what was the point of talking to her if she couldn’t hear me, if she woke up she would never know what ive told her. I sit there crying.

I finally finish the last of my sobs 30 minutes later. I still have my hands wrapped around hers. Id kill to have her back.

“Kailee, please if you are still here give me a sign that everything will be better and you are going to be okay.” I stutter. I look around the room, nothing. No sign, I begin to cry even more. I let go of her hand and walk to the window. I cover my hands over my face so no one could hear me. I wipe my eyes and look out the window. Why did everything look peaceful out there? I stare into outer space until I noticed that there, beside me, was a white dove flying towards the window. I look at it until it lands on to edge of the window seal outside. I seemed to be staring at me, then Kailee, then me, then Kailee, then me again. Was this the sign? Was the dove telling me that Kailee would be fine?

 I turn around and look at Kailee behind me; she still looked peaceful. I looked at the monitor of her heartbeat. It looked different somehow. It looked like her heartbeat was increasing a little bit. I run over and sit beside her again

“Kailee can you hear me? Everything is going to be okay I know it is!” I say with tears of joy. My Kailee was going to be okay.

I hear a knock on the door moments after and within seconds the nurse comes back in.

“Im afraid you have to say goodbye but if you aren’t busy you can visit her during the day though.” She says directing me to the door. I kiss Kailee quickly on the cheek and mumble that everything will be okay and that I love her.

I walk out with the nurse and get directed towards the front entrance of the hospital where the boys were. They all seemed to be in the same position. Worried.

“Niall!” They say in unison. I give them a smile and sit down.

“Why are you smiling, what happened in their man?” Liam asks.

“Nothing, she has bruises all of her face but she looks peaceful.” I smile

“Will she be okay?” Zayn asks wiping his nose. My smile grows even more.

“She is going to be just fine!”

woahh!!! i havent posted for over a month! im so sorry guys!


ahaha anyways i hope you guys like it :)

PLEASE tell me what you think

love yous all and thank you


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