Save Me? (paused)

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Chapter 1

I woke up in complete pain. From head to toe my body was stiff and bruised. I looked down my sheets and saw bloodstains. What happened?

I got up and whimpered at every move. How did this happen?


My parents spilt ages ago, when I was 6. My mum committed suicide after a while because she couldn’t handle life. Ever since then my dad has been drinking, doing drugs and abusing me for no reason. He takes any chance he gets to abuse or yell at me. But I got to be strong for the next few years I guess. Ill be moving out once I have money. I sprinted down stairs to see my dad sitting on the floor skulling down alcohol.

“Get ready for school lazy.” He spat.

“It’s Saturday and I graduated last year.” I snapped. He got up and went right into my face.

“Don’t you talk to your father like that, you should be the one dead right now, not your mum.” He announced.

“Well id rather be dead than stay in this hellhole.” I yelled. Next thing I knew I was on the floor in agony. Dad had punched and kicked me to the ground.

“IM LEAVING AND NEVER COMING BACK.” I cried in pain. I stumbled up and ran back to my room

I got out a big bag and bundled everything I could find in it. I felt dizzy from the all the crying and pain. I couldn’t back down this time, im sick of this place.

I held my breath as I opened my door. If dad heard me I would be knocked out for good. I kept it quiet and ran to the door. I stopped once a glass bottle was thrown from the back of me.

“WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU GOING TRAMP.” He yelled. I didn’t answer, he flung in hand around my neck so I was chocking on my saliva.

“You leave, you die.” He threatened.

“If you killed me, you would go to jail and be on death sentence and you don’t want to leave Julia do you.” I chocked. His grip loosened and he let go. I gasped for air and bolted out the door.

I ran as fast as I could to the nearest train station, there was no way I would be staying in this neighbourhood again. I didn’t have many close friends so I didn’t care who I left. All my family was in Wales so I didn’t have to say goodbye to them. All I was focused on was getting out of this dump.

The train was just about to leave as I got there. I ran as fast as I could, I didn’t have a lot of energy from the pain and my crying. Which I was still doing. I bolted inside the train just in time and bumped into a guy that was standing with a group of there guys. “Shit.” I heard him say. I tried getting up but I couldn’t. My arms and body were too weak. I noticed the guy get up and say to his friends ”Is she okay, she isn’t moving.” I tilted my head slowly and rolled over. All I could see is black. 

“I think she is seriously hurt.” I heard an Irish voice say.

“Look she has bruises and bumps everywhere.” Another guy said, this time he was British.

“Help me get her up will ya.” The Irish guy said.

I felt myself get pulled up and into someone’s arms. He was warm, and strong.

“Hey, im sorry if I did this to you.” He said. I couldn’t force myself to smile, talk or move. I didn’t hear anything else, I think I fell asleep

 I woke up to an unfamiliar room. It looked like a hotel room. How did I get here? How long was I asleep?

“Morning.” I heard an irish voice say. I looked around to see a blonde hair, blue-eyed boy sitting down on the chair next to the bed. He looked familiar. I swear I saw him on television.

“What the hell, how did-who are you?” I panicked.

“Its okay, calm down, your safe here.” He spoke. He took a step closer but I moved back. I was scared.

“Im Niall, you bumped into me in the train and you fainted, I carried you the hotel we are staying in and I let you sleep in my bed.” He explained. I didn’t remember anything.

“Who’s “we”?” I asked. There were more of them, what if they molested or raped me? I had to get out of here.

“The boys, Harry, Zayn, Liam and Louis.” He named. He looked innocent but I have made a mistake with someone like him. Looks innocent but just wants you for your body.

“Ill get the boys for you.” He stood up and left. I looked around to an exit. Besides the door. I saw that the window was open. I ran over and saw that we were about 10 stories high. Great, doesn’t look like im escaping there. I looked around the room for another way to get out but that was it. Either I jump out the window and take my life or be raped by a pack of guys. I say window. I stood on the window seal and looked down. There were bushes and trees below us. This was it, im going to die. Well it seems the best way to go, my life is stuffed. I closed my eyes and began to cry, I was so tempted to jump. Why couldn’t I? I opened my eyes allowing tears to roll down my cheek.

“On the count of three Kailee, 3…..2…..1.” I cried out lightly, I was about to jump when I felt a firm grip on both my wrists. I looked both sides to see Niall with a few other boys holding my wrists. I couldn’t see any of their faces from the tinting of the windows.

“LET GO.” I demanded. I squirmed and wriggled to get out of there reach.

“No don’t do it.” One of them yelled.

“Why everything will be much better without me.” I cried. I got forced back and went flying on to the ground. I buried my head into my hands and cried. I felt the guys kneel around me. One was stroking my back and a few were stroking my cheeks.

“Don’t ever do that again promise me.” Niall spoke. I could tell he was scared.

“I can’t promise but ill try.” I sobbed. I looked up and gasped. I never saw there faces before but now I knew who they were. It was One Direction. One Direction just saved my life.

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