Chapter 1: The Job Request

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Lucy's P.O.V.

It has been about two years since the Grand Magic Games and Fairy Tail is back as the number one guild in Fiore. Requests fill the request board as it once was now that everybody knows the name of Fairy Tail (they might shiver in fear, but they know the name).

While everybody is going throughout their normal routine I have been staring at the request board for the past 10 minutes. I'm hoping to find a good job that Natsu and I can go on for only a few days, but still pays well enough so when we split the reward I can pay my rent, which was due in only a week!

"Yo Luce!" I turn around and see a salmoned haired mage walking towards me.

"Find any good jobs yet?" He asks with a toothy grin.

I can feel my cheeks turn slightly pink once my eyes land on his famous grin. Turning around facing towards the board again I quickly say "No, not yet it's hard to find a good paying job that won't take too long."

Natsu nods and helps me look for a job that we can do knowing that I had to pay rent in a week. He already offered to pay my rent this month because he knew I was running low on money, but I said no because it didn't feel right for him to pay for MY bills... I mean it's not like we are a couple or living together...

After looking for another two minutes we hear Makarov come out of his office looking a bit concerned.

"Gramps!" Natsu calls out oblivious to the way Makarov looks. Ugh! Can't he notice anything!

"Brat, I don't have time right now, I need to have a meeting with you, Lucy, Gray, Juvia, Erza, Wendy, and Gajeel." He yells out so the other mages he named could hear.

I look at him in confusion, as well as everyone else not 100% sure what is going on. Whispers and rumors start to swarm the guild hall but quickly die down when Makarov gives them a glare that clearly said 'shut up brats!'

Everybody starts to go back to their daily activities and the 7 of us, including three exceeds, make our way to Makarov's office and we shut the door behind us. When Makarov notices that all of us are in his office and seated he takes in a big sigh and says "The magic council has asked us to go on a mission."

We all stare at Makarov unable to make of the current situation.

After about a minute of complete silence and confusion marked clearly on all of our faces a red head asks "Why do they want us to go? They usually want us to stay 10 miles away from any of their missions."

"That's usually true but in this case they needed the most powerful guild, and since that would be us they had no other choice."

I still stare at Makarov in confusion, as well as everyone else, 'What is so dangerous that they don't think they can handle it themselves? And especially asking the guild they have hated for forever to take it on knowing full well that whatever town we are close to will most likely be destroyed? Even if we are the strongest guild it is still highly questionable.' These thoughts are swirling around my head before Makarov is able to explain what's going on to us.

I notice that Gray is about to speak up about the matter when Makarov looks down and then back at us, "It has to do with the E.N.D. book and Zeref." He said with a straight face and sounding a bit concerned.

I suddenly freeze up, I didn't know what to think. E.N.D., Zeref's most powerful demon, and Zeref himself, the dark wizard, and we are supposed to go on a mission that deals with the both of them! I notice that I wasn't the only one in shock, everybody is staring at Makarov in absolute shock, and even Gajeel who usually remains calm... then I look over and see Natsu. He didn't even seem startled! What the hell?!

"That cry baby?" Natsu asks, "He doesn't seem all that tough, I'll go alone you guys can stay here." He says looking up at the ceiling ginning to himself, no doubt imagining himself beating up the infamous Zeref.

We all just stare at him, even Makarov, and in unison we yell "ARE YOU AN IDIOT HOW DENSE CAN YOU BE!"

After the silence is broken with the outburst we all couldn't help but giggle to ourselves. Leave it to Natsu to think he can destroy the 400 year old dark wizard all by himself.

The tension in the air is now gone and we all look at Makarov to let him finish explaining to us the situation.


A/N: I hope you all liked my first chapter to this story! Please tell me what you thought I'd love to get your opinion! Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail Hiro Mashima does. And sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes I might of had!

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