Chapter 8: Confrontation

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Natsu's P.O.V.

I know that Lucy is scared out of her mind right now, I mean who wouldn't be! This is Zeref, the 400 year old dark wizard that have stolen countless of lives from millions of people. I even had to catch my breath when I realized I had been holding it in since I saw Zeref. I'm sure that people who have prepared to face Zeref for ten years would still buckle underneath pressure.

Even though I can't really sense magical pressure very well I could feel the pressure from his.

I look around and I could see that everyone's eyes were wide and in shock from the pressure. I peer my head over the rock being careful that he wouldn't see me while Lucy was on her knees staring at the floor.

When I look over the bolder I see Zeref standing over a stand made with rocks and a book on it, E.N.D. was on the cover. I look over to Zeref and he is smiling at me, 'WHAT THE HELL.' I quickly duck back down behind the rock and put my hands to the ground.

"What's wrong?" I hear Lucy ask me.

"I-It's," I start to stutter when I hear the bolder that Jellal and Erza were behind explode. I quickly jump up and scan the area and Lucy does the same.

I see Jellal and Erza jump up and Erza requips into her heaven's wheel armor while Jellal fires some spell at Zeref. Zeref jumps back and grabs the book while Erza comes down on Zeref. When she is only a few inches away from Zeref's head he waves his hand and a black smoke appears before him. When Erza swings at it, it disperses around her and she starts to scream as the smoke is burning at her flesh.

"ERZA!" Lucy and I both scream out.

I run towards her but before I'm able to meet her Jellal grabs her and wraps her in his cloak that he was wearing.

"You bastard!" I say and turn towards Zeref and light me fists on fire while lunging at him.

He put his hand up like he did with Erza but instead of making that black smoke appear again he just catches my firery fist with his bare hand. My eyes widen and suddenly Zeref starts to smile at me again. I glare at him as a reply and jump back.

'Seriously what the hell is wrong with this guy!' I think to myself.

"Fire dragon roar!" I scream out and a wave of fire came from my mouth. Zeref gathered dark light in the palm of his hand and launched it right at me. It cut clean through my attack and is headed directly towards me.

I quickly duck just barely missing it, but it did catch the bits of my scarf. I look down at my scarf and the tip turned black. I glare at Zeref with fury in my eyes. I light my feet on fire "Fire dragon's claw!"I scream. Zeref is about to block again when Loke appears behind him and covers his fist in light and strikes Zeref in the back.

Zeref takes a few steps forward in surprise and then gets hit by my attack. Then the floor turns to ice, "Ice make floor!" we all hear Gray shout. Zeref slips and Juvia envelops him in water but he still is grasping onto the E.N.D book.

Normal P.O.V.

Zeref starts to stare at Juvia and all of sudden she starts to scream, it felt as if someone is tearing her body apart from the inside out.

Juvia falls to the floor, "Juvia!" Gray screams and runs to her. He grabs her shoulders and turns her around so she could look at him. "I'm sorry gray-sama." She says while she clenches her stomach and tries to catch her breath the pain now gone.

When Zeref is distracted Happy swoops down and picks Natsu up bringing him into the sky where the other dragon slayers are. They all look at each other and nod in agreement. They all turn towards Zeref and do their dragon slayer roars at the same time.

Zeref takes a deep breath and releases it while black light escapes his mouth and makes their attack disappear. When Natsu saw Zeref fire his attack it reminded him of Rogue's dragon slayer roar, but it didn't look like he was going to attack, it just looked like he was about to whistle.

Then everybody's eyes widen when Zeref sets the E.N.D. book down and reaches down to open it. Zeref cracks it open when Virgo suddenly pops up in front of him and slams the book shut and digs back underground. Zeref looks down where Virgo disappeared to furious and then up at Lucy who is standing by Jellal and Erza.

Natsu's P.O.V.

When Zeref cracks the book open I felt a sharp pain in my right arm. I look down and start to see black marks form on my arm. I look at it in horror as the marks slowly spread up my arm. "Happy bring me down." I say with a flat voice. "Aye sir!" He replies but I could tell there is a hint of concern in his voice when he sees me grab my arm.

We land on the ground and Happy turns in front of me, "Are you ok Natsu?" confusion and concern clear in his voice.

"Happy give me the bandages that are in your pack." I say.

"Natsu?" he asks.

"Now Happy!" I say half yelling at him.

"H-hai..." he says while he takes out the bandages he had in his pack.

I quickly wrap my arm and look up to where Zeref is. I immediately notice that the E.N.D. book is no longer in Zeref's hands. I look over to see Lucy falling to her knees gasping for air when I take notice that Zeref is staring down at Lucy just like he did with Juvia.

"LUCY!" I scream out as her shaky hands reach for her throat unable to breathe.


Muhahaha cliff hanger!

But I did post 2 chapters in one day! And I finally wrote the fight scene. Hope you all liked it! Vote, Comment, etc. And please keep reading this story!

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