Chapter 3: Take a deep breath

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Lucy's P.O.V.

We walk into my apartment and Natsu just plops down onto my bed like he is walking into his own home.

I just sigh to myself and decide that I need to take a long hot bath before I pack for this voyage.

When the bath is full I slide in nice and slow and let the warm water cover my body and relax me. I sit in the tub for about 15 minutes closing my eyes and fading in and out of my dreams. When I'm about to fall asleep again I quickly snap awake when I hear the doorknob to the bathroom turn.

I squeal and try to get out of the tub and grab a towel. The door cracks open and I don't have enough time to wrap the towel around me so I jump back in the tub. I go underwater except for half of my face and I cover up my body the best I can with my arms.

Natsu then walks in and heads towards the toilet.

'He completely forgot I was in here!' I think to myself.

"NATSU!" I scream at him. "Get the hell out of here!"

He turns to face me and just stares at me! I can feel my face go as red as Erza's hair when he starts to smile.

"NATSU!" I scream again and this time he clearly gets the message and walks out of the bathroom. 'Baka!' I think to myself.

I stay in the bathtub for another 10 minutes getting my face back to its normal color and finishing the bath that was supposed to calm myself down but instead made me feel like I was going to have a heart attack.

I get out of the bath and wrap a towel around myself and walk to the door when I hear snoring. "Are you kidding me!" I swing open the door and look at my bed where I see Natsu passed out.

"I knew it..." I mumble to myself and let out a small sigh.

I change into a yellow tank-top and some blue pajama shorts and finally start to pack. I decide to only bring about 4 shirts and skirts because I didn't think I would want to lug around a suitcase everywhere we go, especially if we get into a fight, and if we are going to be dealing with Zeref and the E.N.D. book, I know that it is bound to happen.

After this eventful day I feel exhausted and don't feel like making a bed on the floor which I originally planned to do. Now I wanted nothing more than to sleep in my own bed cuddled up underneath the blankets.

I push Natsu over to make more room on the bed and slip in under the covers trying to get comfortable.

When I am about to fall asleep I feel a two hands wrap around my waist and I suddenly freeze.


"mmmhhm..." he mumbles in his sleep as he pulls me in closer against his body.

I could feel the warmth coming from him. I just lay there for a few minutes trying to get my heart rate down scared I would wake Natsu up. Finally my heart beat is at a normal rate again and I take a sigh of relief.

As I lay there I realize how comfortable I feel in his arms and sub consciously start to snuggle in closer to him. My back is now completed pressed up against Natsu's chest and stomach, his head is in the crook of my neck, and our legs are tangled together while his arms are still securely wrapped around me. 'I could get used to this' I think to myself as I fall asleep.

Natsu's P.O.V.

I wake up and see that the clock says 8:00 am.

'Wow, it usually takes Happy biting my leg to wake me up at 12:00!' I think to myself as I struggle to sit up.

"W-What the hell?!" I whisper to no one particular when I see that I'm sleeping next to Lucy, arms wrapped around her waist with her completely against my body. 'How did I just now notice this?!' I think to myself as my face starts to heat up knowing I must be blushing so much right now.

'Thank God Lucy isn't awake or else I would get kicked in the face.'

I carefully get out of her bed making sure I don't accidently wake her up. When I am successfully out of the bed I see Lucy form a slight frown on her face as she curls into a ball.

I smile down at her admiring how pretty she looks as she sleeps. I quickly mentally slap myself, 'She is your best friend and teammate, stop thinking like that!' I scold myself.

I decide to write her a note just in case she wonders where I went when she wakes up.

I leave Lucy's apartment with a slight smile on my face. I know that I'm going to have to deal with Happy's mocking for the rest of the morning, but it was well worth it. 


A/N- And chapter 3 done (have to love nalu!) Anyways next chapter they will finally leave for the mission! Please vote, comment, and wait for the next chapter!

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