Chapter 20: E.N.D. v.s. Zeref

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E.N.D.'s P.O.V.

"Fire demon iron fist!" I yell and hit Zeref square in the face, but he doesn't even take a step back, he just smirks.

Zeref raises his hand and five small black daggers appear above his head. He swings his arm down and sends them flying towards me. I punch the ground creating a column of fire around me and destroying the daggers in the process.

Zeref springs forward covering his fist in a black mist but I easily dodge it and grab his arm and flip him over my shoulder.

Zeref goes flying through a few buildings, however I didn't notice black smoke forming on the ground. All of a sudden spikes shoot out of the black smoke created by Zeref. I dodge them but one gets me in the side. "Damnit!" I say while grabbing my side.

"Hell fire." I say and snap my fingers and flames enveloped Zeref.

I hear small whimpers of pain coming from Zeref, but with a slash of his hand my fire disappears, however Zeref did get injured. He is severely burned on his arms and legs and he is coughing a lot trying to get oxygen.

I start running at Zeref but before I could reach him he slashes his arm making a black smoke surround us to where I couldn't even see my own hand. "Come on, show yourself!" I yell at the dark ominous presence surrounding me.

I start to hear footsteps coming towards me from behind. I make my hand look like a dragon's claw with red scales and long, black, sharp nails.

Zeref is about to attack me from behind but I turn around and stab Zeref right in the heart. "Sorry it had to be this way brother." I say. Zeref just shakes his head. "Thank..... you." Zeref barely manages to say. While I have my hand in Zeref's body he starts to turn to dust, ageing to his rightful age.

When Zeref's body has completely turned to dust I shake my hand that was in his body to get the dust off. However little to my knowledge as soon as I killed Zeref the weight that Zeref put on the Fairy Tail members was lifted. I also didn't know that three people were behind a building preparing an attack.

"Lightning Dragon Roar!" "Sky Dragon Roar!" "Iron Dragon roar!" I hear last minute with no time to block.

A guy with blonde hair, black hair, and a girl with blue hair attack me with their full power. Their attacks hit me right in the stomach where I got stabbed.

I am sent flying and hit a building that is behind me. Thanks to the attack my initial wound has enlarged and starts to bleed even more. "Shit!" I say as my vision begins to blur.

"Fire demon exploding lotus!" I say. They look at me shocked while I am saying my attack, 'Why are they hesitating?' I ask myself.

They snap out of whatever they were thinking about and their eyes widen seeing that they are about to be hit with my attack and can't dodge it. My attack is about to hit the girl with the blue hair first.

"Wendy!" The guy with the black hair shouts. He runs to her, grabs her, and turns around to where he takes the full blow of the attack. They get thrown back and get really injured. The guy with the yellow hair gets thrown back as well and hits a building that collapses on top of him. He just stands back up though, 'Is he human?' I ask myself.

"Hell Fire." I say but this time is different from the last time I used this attack. Last time I only pinpointed a specific point, but this time I set the whole city on fire.

At that very moment all the buildings melted and the trees shriveled up. I hear screams of pain coming from the Fairy Tail members around me. All of a sudden my flames turn to ice.

"W-What the hell!" I say. "What? Do you not remember your promise?" The guy with raven hair asks. "Damn you." I say. "Ice make Lance!" the guy says again. Even though I wish I didn't have to use my power right now, because of my injuries, I have to because this guy has demon slayer magic. "Fire demon," when I say those words I see him hesitate for a second, 'Aw, so that's what he did' I think to myself.' "wing attack." I finish saying and complete my attack.

Because of his hesitation he wasn't able to block the attack and is sent flying. An injured girl with burn marks covering her body grabs him before he makes impact with the ground. She quickly covers her mouth to muffle her screams of pain. The man looks behind him and sees the girl. "Juvia!" He says and tries to get up but can't.

'STOP HURTING THEM!' I hear that weakling scream. 'So you took their memories, huh?' I ask him. He didn't say anything. 'I didn't realize you could be so cruel.' I tell him. 'I did it to protect them' he says. 'Well that's ironic since I'm about to kill every single one of them.' I tell him. 'Stop! Please don't hurt them!' He begs me. 'No can do.' I tell him and then suppress him, but I put in a lot more effort this time because whenever I hurt one of these people he becomes more resistant and tries to take over the body.

I then look over to see that blonde chick trying sit up. I smirk to myself thinking about a way to kill her. Then I feel a sharp pain in my head coming from him. 'Oohhh, so she's the one huh?.' I think to myself, and start laughing.

Lucy's P.O.V.

I sit up as best I can and look around to see everyone I care about is either passed out or severely injured. I look around some more and then I spot him, E.N.D. He is looking at the work he has done and is laughing evilly to himself. Suddenly I see movement in the corner of my eye and notice Gray and Juvia struggling to get up.

I soon see that they are getting into their fighting stance. "No! Stop!" I yell at them but before they couldn't hear me. E.N.D. suddenly appears before them with a wicked grin.

Within a blink of an eye E.N.D. pierces Gray's stomach with his left hand while the other is strangling Juvia. "STOOP!" I scream out in desperation. E.N.D. looks over his shoulder and stares at me with a straight face but then starts to smirk.

He releases Gray and Juvia and when they hit the ground Juvia coughs and gasps for air while Gray covers his stomach.

"LUCY STOP!" Gray screams as I struggle to get to my feet. "HE WILL KILL YOU!" I hear Juvia yell at me. I pay no attention to them as I grab for Virgo's key, but I had no intention of calling her. I get in my stance as I scream out "Open! Gate of Celestial Spirit king!"


After the flames went away I could barely move, then I heard a voice in my head, 'Lucy you need to open my gate.' He says.

'Who are you?' I ask. 'The Celestial Spirit King.' My breath gets caught in my throat. 'I can't sacrifice another one of my friends' I say in my head.

'You don't have to. I'm going to use my own powers to pass through the gate, all you have to do is give me permission to pass through.' He says.

'So, what happened with Aquarius...' 'I'm sorry but this time there are different terms.' 'What do you mean?' But before he can answer me I notice Juvia and Gray.


A/N- So for those of you who are caught up with the manga I know that after Zeref dies... well you know. The thing is I already wrote this chapter before I found that out and I didn't want to re-write  it.

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