Chapter 11: Going Home

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Natsu's P.O.V.

When I wake up at 10:00 a.m. Happy's biting my arm.

"O-Oi Happy, I'm up, I'm up!" I say half yelling at him still a bit hazy.

"Everyone wants to leave as soon as possible, so I already packed up for you. Let's go Natsu!" Hay says while already flying towards the door.

I glance over at my arm, which is still wrapped, and frown scared to remove the bandages.

"Natsu?" Happy asks a bit concerned noticing that I am staring at my wrapped arm. "Natsu, when you asked me to get out the bandages yesterday, I saw your arm.... And the mark." Happy continues to say.

I just sat there in silence not sure what to say.

"Natsu, what was that?"

"I honestly don't know." I say my voice full of sincerity.

"Should we tell someone about it?" Happy asks.

"I was thinking about asking Levy to do research on it." I say. "Oh, and Happy?"


"Please don't tell Lucy anything until we know what is going on." I ask feeling a little guilty because of the promise I made her, but I wasn't technically breaking it right? I mean I will tell her everything just after I know what 'everything' is.

"Aye.." Happy says sounding a little sad.

We walk downstairs and see everybody waiting for us. Instead of the usual insults I get for being late Erza just says "let's go." I can tell by the tone of Erza's voice and how everybody rushed out the door that everybody just wants to get the hell out of this city.

We made our way to the port where we didn't see anybody who could take us back to Magnolia. However everybody noticed how this one sailor with a good sized boat keeps eyeing Juvia.

Normal P.O.V.

They all turned to look at Juvia with evil smiles and stars in their eyes, well everyone except for Gray who is giving the sailor a death glare.

"Juvia you got to go flirt with that man." Gajeel states.

Juvia's face goes bright red and is about to object when Gray speaks up, "No, no way in hell!" He says and Juvia starts to blush eve harder.

"Gray we all want to get out of this city a.s.a.p., and if the only way to get out of here is here is to have Juvia get flirty with the sailor then just bite your tongue ice popsicle." Natsu says.

"Tsk." Gray clicks his tongue looking down angrily.

"Juvia wants to leave, and if Gray-sama won't get mad at Juvia, then Juvia will do it." Juvia says and looks up at Gray sand sees a slight blush on his face.

Juvia smiles and nods and prepares herself to go flirt with the sailor. 

Gray's P.O.V.

I watch Juvia walk away and head towards the sailor that has a lewd look on his face. She starts talking with him while twirling her hair and giggling, 'god this makes me sick. Why does he have to be eyeing Juvia! And why does it look like she is enjoying herself while talking to him! If we didn't need to use his ship I would freeze him where he is standing.' I think to myself.

'Wait, what the hell am I thinking!' After talking for a little more she heads back our way, "He said that he can take all of us but..." she trails off looking to the ground blushing.

"What!" I half yelled making sure he didn't try anything on Juvia.

"Juvia has to go on a date with him if we want him to take us to Magnolia." She say. This guy is really ticked me off.

"Like hell!" I scream out and Juvia looks up at me smiling but then it turns back into a frown.

"No. Juvia wants to leave, and if the only way is to go on a date," she takes a big breath and then looks back up at us, "then Juvia will do it." I just stand there completely shocked.

I am about to object when Erza beats me to it, "Juvia you don't have to go on a date with that creep. Just keep pretending to be interested in him and then when we get back home and he even tries to touch you I will personally send him to hell." Erza says with an evil aura.

Juvia smiles up at Erza and nods. I'm still not completely on board but I feel better that she won't have to go on a date with him and Erza will make sure that it won't happen either.

We head towards the boat and I make sure that the sailor can see the death glare I was giving him.

When we are all on the boat I look around for Natsu hoping his motion sickness will make me feel better; however, when I see Natsu he is just casually standing not being affected at all by his motion sickness.

"Oi! Why aren't you motion sick? Did Wendy put that spell on you!" I ask a bit angry to see him completely fine. I look over at Wendy and she just shook her head saying that she didn't do anything to Natsu.

I look over and see Gajeel already on the ground trying not to puke. 'Why isn't Natsu motion sick, this is just strange.' I think to myself as everyone else also notices that Natsu isn't green yet.

"I don't know, but this feeling is amazing!" he jumps up and starts running around the boat like a little kid at chuck-e-cheese for the first time.

It was basically like this for the rest of the trip, but Natsu calmed down after a while and actually helped us out.

After sailing all day we finally reach Magnolia. The sailor tries to make a move on Juvia but we were home now and I was sick of it. "Ice make cannon!" I screamed out and a cannon made of ice fell on my shoulder. I wasn't actually going to fire I just wanted to scare him so he gets the picture to never go near Juvia, EVER again.

When the man leaves Juvia turns to me with hearts in her eyes. "Gray-sama!" she squeals hugging me. I didn't pull away though, honestly I didn't mind it all that much. I turn around with Juvia not breaking her hold on me.

I smile to myself and start walking towards the guild.


A/N- So this chapter was pretty much a Gruvia chapter! Hope you all liked it!

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