Chapter 4: And We're Off

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Lucy's P.O.V.

As I wake up I notice that the heat I fell asleep next to is gone. I look around feeling a little disappointed to not find Natsu next to me and surprised that he woke up before me.

I look around my room and notice a piece of paper folded on my desk across the room. I walk over and recognize the handwriting immediately, I'm pretty sure no one else has worse hand writing than Natsu. The note read:

Hey Luce!

I decided to leave early to make sure Happy remembered to pack for me and packed everything I asked for.

See ya later Luce!


N.D.? Oh, Natsu Dragneel, he must have started to use that instead of writing out his full name, ugh he tries to write the least amount as possible.

I change into my classic white shirt with a blue heart on the chest area that cuts off at the middle of my stomach with my short blue skirt. I grab my bag that has my clothes in it and walk out of my apartment and head towards the guild.

I arrive at the guild around 9:15 and look around because we are supposed to all arrive here around 9:30. I spot Erza and I'm surprised to see that she didn't have a mountain of suitcases, she actually only had two. I rub my eyes in disbelief as I walk over to her.

In the next ten minutes Gajeel, Lily, Juvia, Gray, Wendy, Carla, Natsu, and Happy make it to the guild and we head towards the port with Natsu and Gajeel sulking.

As soon as our feet land on the boat Natsu falls onto his knees and his face starts to turn green. Gajeel lasts maybe 30 seconds longer than Natsu and then does the same.

I throw Natsu's arm around my shoulder and help him make it to below deck where there are some beds while Juvia does the same for Gajeel.

I feel bad for Natsu and stay with him for about 30 minutes, but when he almost pukes on me twice I had to get out of there.

Stepping out onto the deck I take a deep breath of fresh air not able to stay in that room any longer. I look across the water barely able to make out Magnolia anymore. Luckily the sky above us is clear and didn't look like it was going to storm. I quickly knock on wood knowing that I will definitely be jinxed.

After about an hour of just standing around we all decide to help out the crew. Gray and Erza help with the sails, Wendy and I help with navigation, well as much as we could, the three exceeds fly up and scout ahead just in case an enemy ship comes or storm clouds come into view, and then Juvia helped out with cooking but was quickly banned when she almost burned half the kitchen down and made something that I swear to God moved. All the while Gajeel and Natsu were below deck trying to make their stomachs stay where they are supposed to be.

*Time Skip*

It has been about eight hours since we left port and we finally hear Happy say that he sees land. Natsu is able to hear him too because a second later I hear him yell below deck "I'm all fired up!" Before he covers his mouth again trying not to puke.

I thank God, grateful that we will land in about an hour, even though I don't get motion sickness, I am tired of being on this ship.

We finally make it to Cambona and we all exit the ship while Natsu and Gajeel crawl off as if they would die if they didn't make it onto land (well they actually might of).

Natsu jumps up back to his normal enthusiastic self while Gajeel casually stands up and scoffs to himself. Natsu then turns to me, "Come on Luce!" he says as he grabs my arm and starts dragging me into town. I'm pretty sure he has no idea where he is going all he is wanting to do is to the hell away from the port.


Hello everyone! Alright they finally made it to Cambona and I promise some action will come in the next few chapters! Please vote, comment, etc. And I'm going to start a new fan-fiction so please check it out! Hope you enjoyed!

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