Chapter 14: What's going on?

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Natsu's P.O.V.

Without thinking I grab his sword to prevent him from touching Lucy. No way in hell am I ever going to let anyone hurt her.

I throw a punch at the demon and he flies back a few feet. When I can see his face again he looks disappointed 'I can't wait to burn that look right off of his face.' "You're still not yourself I see." The demon says, but then he starts to grin, "I can change that." He says.

I get even angrier and light my feet on fire "Fire dragon's claw!" I yell. He simply catches my foot in his hand and lifts up his free hand and shakes it in front of my face. "Now come on Natsu you can do so much better." He then throws me with ease.

"Natsu!" Lucy yells but I'm able to land on my feet. I start to suck in air "Fire dragon roar!" I yell out and the fire hits him dead on.

When the fire dies down Crocell is just standing there completely unharmed. He then lunges forward at me and something is forming around his sword. I am about to block but he suddenly appeared before me in a matter of seconds.

He manages to hit me right in the face with his elbow. I stagger backwards and go down on one knee. Not only did it hurt like hell but suddenly I felt something shift inside my head.

I stand back up and light my fists on fire again but my flames were clearly different.

M flames have their normal red color but there are black flames mixed in it as well. It was just like the time I fought Loke when used those black flame. However last time those flames made me sick and my whole body ached when I used them, but this time is different. (see picture)

I relish the feeling that these flames give me. I felt stronger and more powerful like that time when I got the marks on my arm. "Hahaha." I laugh menacingly and I could see that Crocell also has a smile on his face.

"Now you're starting to act a little more like yourself!" Crocell says. "Shut up you insolent bug." I say, honestly I shocked myself about how that sounded and what I said, I really didn't mean to say that.

I go towards him and trap him in a ball of black and red fire. He can't breath and pulls one hand to his throught while the other swipes at the sphere of flames and disperses it. Before he can even stand I shove a flaming hand inside his stomach.

He coughs up blood and I'm just smiling wickedly at him. 'Stop it!' I scream inside my head but to no avail, it felt like I didn't have control of my body. What happened next was all a blur and I didn't realize what I was doing until it was too late.

Lucy's P.O.V.

No way, this can't be happening, Natsu would never, he would never stab someone, and to top it off he is... smiling. I just stare at him eyes wide with horror.

'This isn't Natsu, this can't be Natsu!' I think to myself. The next thing I see I have to cover my mouth to prevent myself from puking.

Natsu decapitated Crocell, and he still had that evil smile on his face with blood covering his whole body. When he turns to look at me his eyes weren't the same, they were red and his pupils were in black slits.

"Natsu?" I ask.

Honestly, I am scarred of Natsu right now, this isn't him. And by the tone of my voice you can clearly tell I am nervous.

I think he realizes how scared I am because his expression changes immediately and now looks concerned. The next time he blinks his eyes go back to normal.

He looks to the right of him and sees the body and the head that rolled into a bush. He looks down at his shaky hands, arms, and body in complete horror. He covers up his mouth with his hands and falls to his knees. Suddenly Crocell's body turns into dust but all the blood on Natsu remains.

I slowly walk towards him "Natsu?" I ask with more concern then fear this time. When I get closer I see that he has tears in his eyes that are beginning to fall down his face. "Natsu!" I say more desperately.

"Lucy... what's happening to me?" he says with fear in his voice.

"Let's get you home Natsu." I say. I mean what am I supposed to tell Natsu? He just killed someone but he doesn't like he knew what he was doing.  

I walk him home through the forest so no one will see him since he is covered in blood. The whole way home he doesn't say a word, he just kept looking down.

When we get to his house I set him down on his couch and he puts his head in his hands.

I walk into his bathroom and start a shower for him. "Natsu I started a shower for you please get in, it will make you feel better. I am going to going to go get Happy, Okay?" I tell him. He doesn't move from his spot though, he doesn't even give me a nod in response.

I leave his house and before I know it I'm sprinting to the guild. 'Natsu, what's going on?' I think to myself. I reach the guild in a matter of minutes panting trying to catch my breath. I look around trying to find a blue exceed. I finally spot him at the bar fawning over Carla.

I run over to him and grab his tail. He flinches in pain and yelps when I pull him towards the doors.

"Lucy what's the big deal?" Happy asks in annoyance while rubbing his tail.

"Happy I need you to go to Natsu, now." I say in a stern voice

"What happened to Natsu?" Happy asks now concerned.

"I don't know, just go!" I say with urgency.

"H-Hai! Happy says clearly confused.

I watch him fly out at top speed when I can feel my knees go weak and my hands begin to shake. The first person to notice that I am on the ground shaking is Levy.

"Lu-chan! What's wrong?" she asks.

"N-Natsu... he...I don't know?" I say shakily.

As soon as I mention Natsu Levy's face saddens and looks down.

I noticed her reactions and now I'm even more confused, "Levy-chan?" I ask.

"Listen Lucy," I know immediately that this couldn't be good because she said my name instead of my nickname.

"Natsu asked me to do some research on something, but told me specifically not to tell you." My eyes widen with shock and a little anger that Natsu was keeping something from me. "I was actually about to talk to him about it." Levy finishes but she sounded extremely sad and worried.

"Levy what did you find out and what did he ask you to do research on?" I ask.

"Lucy, I don't think-" "Levy now." I cut her off desperate to find out what's wrong with Natsu.

"Lucy it has to deal with Zeref's demons." Levy says.


A/N: So what did you guys think of the chapter? And what do you think is going to happen to Natsu?

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