Chapter 22: Remembering

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Lucy's P.O.V.

The sword comes down right on top of Natsu. The spell completely envelops him causing light to stream out temporarily blinding me.

After my eyes readjust and I can see clearly again my eyes widen. Natsu's body somehow vanished and only The Celstial Spirit King's giant sword remains.

"I-I don't understand, what's happening?" I ask myself in disbelief while I fall down onto my hands and knees.

'How could I have forgotten him, the one who brought me to Fairy Tail, the one who always believed in me, the one who always defended me, the one who always saved me, the one who..... I loved.' I think to myself.

"NAATTSSSSUUUUUU!!!" I scream out again in pure desperation while tears start to pour down my face.

Normal P.O.V.

Everybody is now conscious and the ones who are seriously injured are attempting to stand up.

They hear Lucy call out the name "Natsu" and are wondering who the heck that is.

Gray then suddenly falls onto his knees, "No this, this can't be happening." He says.

"Gray-sama?" Juvia asks concerned.

"Natsu... you... I... damn you flame brain!" Gray says while a few tears escape his eyes as he punches the ground.

"G-Gray-sama, who is-" she stops herself midsentence remembering all the times she heard Gray say that name.

"Natsu?" Juvia asks in disbelief, "Why? J-Juvia doesn't understand?" She looks around and spots Lucy screaming and balling her eyes out.

Juvia runs up to Lucy and hugs her from behind. (See picture)


Lucy suddenly feels a pair of arms being wrapped around her "No, NO! LET GO OF ME!" Lucy screams out trying desperately to be released and run to where Natsu's body once was.

"BRING HIM BACK! BRING HIM BACK TO ME!" She screams out even more.

"I'm so sorry Lucy." The water mage says crying trying her best to comfort Lucy, but this only made Lucy cry harder.

While all of this is happening Erza is just staring at the scene of her friends crying confused. "What the-" then flashes of a pink haired man came into her mind.

"No, no, no, no, no. Why? WHY IS THIS HAPPENING!?" Erza falls onto her knees and puts her head into her hands and starts crying into them.

"Natsu, of all people, he is the most loyal and loving friend I have ever had. I just don't understand!" Erza screams the last part at the sky.

"Natsu-san?" Wendy asks. "You are not allowed to leave me... do you hear me... you can't! You are who I... who I strive to be! The love you show.... the strength you have, the..." The last part of what Wendy says is muffled by her sobs.

Gajeel is next to Wendy at the time and he is just staring at her wondering who she, as well as everyone else, is talking about. Then he also remembers.

"Salamander, you idiot!" He put his head down so his hair would cover his eyes but when Wendy looks up at him she can see several tears fall down his face.

Wendy jumps at Gajeel and hugs him crying into his stomach.

Gajeel doesn't object and actually wraps his arms around her and rests his head on hers trying to hold back tears but failing.

Makarov is just staring at all of his children while they are crying remembering Natsu and how he was one of the most, who is he kidding, Natsu was the most loyal Fairy Tail member. He didn't like this situation at all but he knew that it had to be done, but it didn't help the pain, it probably made it worse.

Out of everyone though Happy is probably hurting the most, well Lucy and Happy are probably tied.

Natsu was all Happy had, Natsu was Happy's family, he was his best friend. He told Natsu everything and Happy told him everything. Then why, why did Natsu not tell him, why did he have his memory be erased, why did he have to... Happy didn't even want to think about what came next.

Happy is sitting on his knees with his arms dangling down not wanting to put in any effort into doing anything. "NATSU YOU IDIOT! WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME! YOU ARE ALL I HAD! DID YOU NOT TRUST ME, DID YOU NOT THINK I WAS STRONG ENOUGH!" Happy was screaming at the sky while balling hysterically. "NAAATTTTSSSSUUUU!"

Lucy is still crying her eyes out but she is no longer fighting Juvia. Lucy turned around and hugged Juvia directly crying into her shoulder and Juvia doing the same.

Despite Natsu's rash decision making, his childish behavior, and his denseness, Natsu made an impression on everyone he met.

"Juvia I killed him, I-" Lucy says, but before she could finish Juvia grabs her shoulders and pulls Lucy in front of her so that they are face-to-face.

"Lucy you did not kill him!" Juvia tells Lucy as seriously as she can while tears run down her face.

"But Juvia-" "Lucy stop, do you hear me! Don't you dare blame yourself for this, EVER!" Juvia says.

Lucy just starts crying even harder and Juvia pulls her into a hug again crying into each other's arm.

All of a sudden Loke appears before Lucy looking down not daring to look her in the eyes.

"Lucy I'm-" he was cut off by Lucy standing up and placing her hands on his shoulders.

"Did you know?" Lucy asks weakly looking at the ground while Loke looks up at her.

He nods weakly which she could see out of the corner of her eye. "Why didn't you tell me!" She tries to scream at him but is too weak to raise her voice too high.

"You wouldn't have remembered him even if I told you who he was." "You still could of-" she fell onto her knees again tears falling down her face.

"Lucy I am truly sorry," Loke says as he looks down at Lucy with tears in his eyes threatening to fall.

All of a sudden Lucy feels something warm being wrapped around her neck. "I was able to find this and I think he would have wanted you to have it." Lucy looks down and sees a white scarf with scales hanging from her neck.

"H-How did you get this?" Lucy asks with tears still flowing from her eyes. "When I saw Natsu and you told me to attack him I put two and two together. I went back to where he was being held and found it. This had to happen, it was unavoidable Lucy," Loke says as a few tears fall down his face.

"Natsu, knew that too." Loke says struggling to speak with a lump now in his throat. Lucy just keeps crying even harder if that is even possible.

Before Lucy could continue she feels a tug at her shirt. "Lucy..." She turns to see Happy crying and looking up at her. She immediately picks him up and hugs him tightly while Happy sobs in her chest.

However, while all this is happening Wendy suddenly pulls away from Gajeel and starts looking around franticly.

"Wendy what is it?" Gajeel asks.

Before she has a chance to answer she starts to write something in the ground and gets on her knees while holding her hands in front of her chest. She starts saying a spell while a green light starts to shine out from the ground.

As soon as she starts to do the spell Gajeel immediately recognizes it. Milky Way.


A/N- Is it bad that I almost cried while writing this chapter... And what I have planned next won't help. Just warning you to be prepared!

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