Chapter 26: Don't Joke With Me

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Lucy's P.O.V.

Two weeks have passed since Natsu's funeral and things are beginning to go back to normal. Things are not the same though and I don't think they ever will be.

There have been more fights but not nearly as much as it used to be.

Romeo tries to make things better by picking fights with Gray and everyone else trying his best to act like Natsu as much as possible.

Elfman has been saying "man" again, Cana's been drinking more, Erza's been eating more strawberry cake, and I've been starting to smile more, even though it's fake smile half the time.

I have been visiting the grave almost every other day so in a way I can still see him. Happy usually comes with me but sometimes he stays at the guild and hangs out with everyone, especially Carla, who by the way are dating now.

Today I go to the guild like I always do and say hi to everyone. When it gets to about noon I eat lunch, then go to buy flowers, and then head towards his grave.

I arrive and set the flowers down on the tombstone and give it a small smile.

"Hey Natsu, well nothing much has changed since the last time I was here. Gajeel and Levy are still doing well, I already told you about Happy and Carla, Romeo has been picking fights with Gray more... Oh! Juvia told me that Gray asked her on a date! She nearly melted into a puddle while she was telling me, and of course Jellal and Erza are still the same but I personally think they are dating but not telling anyone because Jellal has been coming by the guild more and more. And as always I miss you. We all do, but we are trying our best to stay strong, I know it's what you would have wanted." I say to the grave.

As I am finishing up some bright shining light from behind me catches the corner of my eye.

"Lucy?" I hear a masculine voice say coming from the direction of the no longer bright shining light.











I turn around to see Loki standing behind me with tears in his eyes, but he didn't look sad, he looked kind of shocked yet happy.

"What is it?" I ask

"Lucy I had no idea! If I knew I would have told you immediately! Please don't get mad and don't freak out! And like I said I just found out!" He says really fast and frantically.

"Just tell me what's going on!" I ask irritated now.

"Natsu is alive" he says.

I completely freeze on the spot, "If this is joke it isn't funny." I say coldly towards him.

"Lucy do you really think I would lie to you about something like this!" he says.

"I know, I know. I'm sorry, it's just that I saw him die, right in front of me! There is no way he could have survived, and Wendy even did Milky Way which just doubled the fact that he is dead. Now why in the hell would you tell me this!" I ask angrily

Then I heard someone behind me say, "Geez Luce, and here I was expecting a happy reunion, but you just sound mad to hear that I'm alive." I didn't turn around, more like I couldn't. I was frozen in my spot.

I look at Loki in disbelief and he just gives me a small smile and nods his head right before he disappears again.

I slowly turn around and my eyes lock on to the man's who is standing in front of Natsu's gravestone.

"Natsu." I whisper and tears start to form on my eyes and I smile softly, "Natsu you idiot! First, how could you do that to me! Second what the hell is goi-" I was cut off by him grabbing my arm and pulling me into a hug. "I'm sorry." He whispers in my ear.

I bury my head in his chest while a few tears escape my eyes. "I love you." I say my head still buried in his chest.

He takes his hand and puts it underneath my chin making me look up at him. He then leans down and presses his lips against mine.

My eyes widen and I just stand there completely shocked, but I eventually close my eyes and kiss him back. When we separate he places his forehead on mine.

"I love you too Luce" he says.


A/N- THIS IS NOT THE LAST CHAPTER! I will post one more chapter (the last one) to explain everything! I swear I did not just randomly bring him back for no reason!

Oh and sorry for any grammar mistakes in this chapter and for another HORRIBLE title, I just didn't want to give anything away!

Please, vote, comment and wait for the last chapter! :)

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