Chapter 17: Etherious Natsu Dragneel

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Normal P.O.V.

Doranbolt's eyes widen, "What!? No way Natsu! You can't be serious! Fairy Tail is your home! Your family! How could I do that to you!?" Doranbolt screams at Natsu.

"I know," Natsu screams, "but do you honesly think they will be able to kill me even if I am E.N.D.!" Natsu continues.

"There has to be another way Natsu! Just wait a little longer!" Doranbolt says trying to reason with Natsu.

"That's exactly what I'm talking about!" Natsu says. "They will look for another way, they will try to save me, and who knows how long that will take! E.N.D. had me kill someone and I couldn't do anything about it! I'm scared what he will do to my nakama while they try to save me! So please Doranbolt, I'm begging you." Natsu's says his voice cracking at the end.

Doranbolt just stands there completely shocked, he has never, ever seen Natsu beg before. "Alright Natsu." He says while looking at the floor unable to look Natsu in the eyes.

"Thank you." Natsu says relieved. All of a sudden Natsu starts screaming in pain again clenching his hands into fists so much that his knuckles turn white.

"Natsu!" Doranbolt screams. Suddenly the marks on Natsu start to travel up his arm and also begin to form on his other arm.

The marks keep growing all around his body and in the middle of his chest the letters E.N.D. form on his chest almost like daring anyone to challenge the great demon. Then his eyes turn red and horns erupt from Natsu's head, he screams even louder from the excruciating pain. (See picture above)

"Leave, now!" Natsu screams out. Doranbolt just stands there in disbelief. "NOW DORANBOLT!" He just nods slowly and disappears in a second but before he completely leaves he hears a blood curtailing laugh come from Natsu.

Back at the guild

Lucy's P.O.V.

Doing research on the books that princess Hisui gave us we discover that the demons of the book of Zeref are made of Etherious and that what the 'E' in E.N.D. stands for.

Now we are trying to figure out wat the N.D. stands for, but for some reason they look really familiar. Suddenly my mind flashes back to the note Natsu left me, and his signature.

I quickly cover my mouth with my hands, "NO! No, no, no, no, no. NO!" I say.

"What's wrong Lucy?" Juvia askes as people start to walk towards me.

"I- I- I-" I stutter unable to comprehend what I just discovered.

"Lucy?" Erza askes.

"This can't be true, right?" I ask myself.

"Lucy what is it?" Gray asks.

"E for Etherios, N for," I stop talking my words caught in my throat, I swallow and then do my best to continue, "N... N for Natsu," "Lucy what are you talking about?" Happy asks while everyone else freezes. "D, f-for Dragneel.... Etherios... Natsu... Dragneel, or E.N.D."

Everyone is as still as a statue and it is dead silent where a drop of water would sound like a glass being shattered.

"Th-that's just a coincidence right. I mean we are talking about Natsu here." Mira says breaking the silence.

"Yah, I mean it has to be, he hates all of those demons and Zeref so much." Erza speaks up clearly nervous.

Then Gray falls onto his knees and grippes his arm where his tattoo is. "Before my dad died he told me that E.N.D. is a... um.... fire demon." Gray barely manages to say.

Everyone falls completed silent again. "Everyone just shut up!" to all of our surprises Gajeel is the one to speak up. "Salamander is not a demon! He has saved our asses more times than I bet we can count! And I'm pretty damn sure that a demon wouldn't have done that. So all of you shut your damn mouths." he yells at everyone.

Even after Gajeel's semi speech we still feel extremely uneasy about the matter.

'This is just a huge coincidence, it just isn't possible that Natsu is a demon. He is the most caring person I know!' I think to myself.

We are all still standing in silence when suddenly Doranbolt appears before us.

He looks pale and frankly quite terrified with his eyes wide.

We all look at him when Erza speaks up, "Doranbolt, why are you here? What's going on?" She asks, and by the tone of her voice you can tell she is completely torn up on the inside.

"I'm sorry." Doranbolt says really quietly to where we could barely hear him.

We all look at him confused and then suddenly light erupts from Doranbolt and blinds all of us.

Normal P.O.V.

Due to the sudden extreme amount of memory loss everyone passed out.

On Doranbolt's way out he takes all photos that have Natsu in them, which is quite a bit.

Before he leaves he puts a letter on Makarov's desk saying that E.N.D. escaped and should be killed on site.

When Doranbolt writes that last part his hand is shaking and is gritting his teeth. He absolutely hates writing this but he knows he had to.

As he is exiting the guild he looks back at the still passed out mages, "Natsu, I hope you are happy with the decision you made." He says.


A/N- You guys can probably guess what will happen next, if you can't then you will just have to wait! :p

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