Chapter 19: Are You Ready

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Normal P.O.V.

Everybody stands there completely frozen. "What are we supposed to do now?" Lucy asks.

They were all prepared to go against E.N.D. but not Zeref as well. "Stay in position." Everyone hears Makarov say. "We are not going to change the plan, but try not to fight Zeref until we know why he is here." "Hai!" Everyone says.

Juvia and Gray are looking over the city when they spot E.N.D. heading towards Erza. Wait, how come we already know that he is E.N.D.? Whatever Gray thinks to himself. "Erza, E.N.D. is heading towards you." Gray says. "Got it." She says.

Erza requips into her flame empress armor remembering when Gray told everyone that he was a fire demon, but weren't they talking about someone else at the time.

Erza hid behind a building waiting to surprise attack him. When she was watching him he suddenly disappeared right before her eyes. "Wh-What the hell!" Erza says. Lucy, Gray, and Juvia scan the streets wondering where he went.

"Erza behind you!" Lucy screams.

She turns around her eyes wide to see a smirking E.N.D. The demon lights his fist in a black and red flame and swings his fist at Erza. Erza doesn't have time to dodge or block so she gets hit straight in the gut. Her armor is immediately shattered into pieces and she is thrown back through several buildings.

"ERZA!" Gray, Juvia, and Lucy scream. Gray and Juvia are able to climb down the building they were on and start to rush towards E.N.D. while Lucy grabs one of her keys.

"Gate of the lion, I open thee! Loke!" Lucy says. Loke appears before her. "You called me Lucy." Loke says. Loke then looks over to see E.N.D. "W-what the hell is wrong with Na-" "Loke attack E.N.D." Lucy orders. "What are you talking about?" Loke asks. "The demon with the pink hair, attack him!" Loke's eyes widen, "No." Loke says in a low voice, but Lucy heard him. "What are you talking about? That demon is trying to kill us!" Loke looks over one more time and sees Gray and Juvia rushing towards Natsu about to attack. "I'm deeply sorry Lucy but I have to go." Lucy just stands their stunned while Loke disappears.

Lucy starts to climb down the building. "What was that all about?" Lucy asks herself while running towards E.N.D.

Meanwhile Zeref is entering the town where Guildarts is. "Mind telling me what you're doing here?" Guildarts asks with his arms crossed over his chest. "I just want to have a family reunion." Zeref says never looking up at him. "So I would appreciate if you didn't interfere." Zeref continues to say. After he says that Guildarts immediately takes a knee while everyone else falls on their stomachs.

It felt like 1000 pounds (455 kg) were weighing down on everyone. When Zeref saw that Guildarts is still struggling to stand up he doubles the weight. After Zeref doubles the weight Guildarts falls flat on his stomach.

Zeref just walks down the street passing everyone without anybody being able to stop him.

"Damnit!" Gray curses while E.N.D. walks past him since Zeref didn't put the pressure on him. "Come back here you coward!" Gray screams after E.N.D.. He just chuckles and waves his hand and says, "After I take care of some business I'll be sure to come back and deal with you." E.N.D. says and walks out of Gray's sight so that he can complete one of his two goals:

1. Kill Zeref

2. Annihilate the world

E.N.D. P.O.V.

Finally after 400 years I finally get to complete the missions I was made to do.

The only problem is that sometimes that weakling who used to control this body resurfaces. I can never truly get rid of him but I can suppress him to where he doesn't know what's going on and he can't interfere.

Recently though he's been resisting more than usual, 'So this must be his home and his friends' I think to myself while I look around.

While walking I walk past some of these girls that are this guy's friend I can't help but think how hot they are! 'Maybe I'll keep a few of them for myself.' I think to myself. I then pass a blonde chick and smirk to myself just thinking about keeping her and slowly braking her. 'LIKE HELL YOU WILL!' Tsk damn that bastard came back up.

'Does that upset you?' I ask him smirking. 'I WILL NOT LET YOU HURT MY FAMILY!' he says. 'I'm sorry but you don't really have a choice.' I once again suppress him to where he can't know what's going on or speak up. Just in time too because I was only 3 feet away from Zeref.

"Been a while Natsu." He says. "Don't call me by that weakling's name who couldn't handle all the power. Call me by my proper, E.N.D."

"Ah, I see," Zeref says, "Are you ready to begin now?" he asks.


A/N- Well the battle between Zeref and E.N.D. is about to start! What do you think will happen?

And once again I'm horrible with titles!

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