Chapter 6: The Dream

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Lucy's P.O.V.

Besides for Natsu finding Jellal, nobody found anything important regarding the mission except for me and Erza,

When we got back to the apartment Erza and I explained how we think that Zeref walked through town. After we were done explaining our theory we all sit in silence waiting for Natsu to explain what happened between him and Jellal.

Finally Natsu speaks up, "When I was in the forest I ran into Jellal. He said that he felt zeref's magic presence and went by himself to check it out. He said he wanted to meet with us tomorrow and tell us what he knows and wants us to do the same."

I see Erza looking at the floor unable to know what to think while Natsu looks at her with concern.

I feel warmed to see how Natsu is concerned for Erza while I myself also feel bad for Erza. Erza looks up and I'm unable to tell what she is feeling by her facial expression. "Okay, tomorrow we will go find Jellal and start the search for Zeref. Everyone get a good night sleep because tomorrow will be a long day." She says.

After that we all get up and head towards our rooms, Juvia tries to sleep in the same room with Gray but he refuses her immediately and slams the door in her face. I have to say that I feel bad for her.

I walk into my room saying goodnight to everyone and fall onto my bed completely exhausted. The room was the perfect size for one person. A queen size bed with a nightstand to the left and a bathroom across the room with a closet on the other side.

I didn't feel like unpacking and besides I only had a few pieces of clothing. I pull the covers over my body not feeling wanting to change into my pajamas.

When I fall asleep I start to have the worst dream ever. I see blood everywhere, Erza and Gray barely able to stand, Gajeel, Juvia, Wendy, lily, and Carla were all passed out extremely injured with major blood loss. I look around not able to find Happy or Natsu, then I spot Happy. He is crying his eyes out screaming something but I'm not able to hear him, but then I notice that my cheeks are wet from crying... I wake up, eyes wide and sit up immediately breathing in fast and small breaths. I look around and am grateful to see my hotel room and not blood. It takes me a few more minutes to calm myself down and honestly I am a bit scared to fall back asleep thinking I would have that dream again.

I walk out of my room and into what I thought was Wendy's room and hop into her bed knowing that she would be ok with it, well maybe not Carla but Wendy would be.

As soon as I get into the bed I notice an extensive amount of heat coming from the person behind me, I freeze as soon as I realize who it is, 'NATSU!' I thought to myself panicking. 'Seriously again! You have got to be kidding me!' but then I remember how comfortable I felt last time I slept with him.

While I am debating on whether or not to leave I feel an arm wrap around my waist just like before. I feel so comfortable in his arms that I didn't even wait for him to pull me in. I push myself up against his body letting his heat envelop me. Sleeping next to Natsu makes me feel so relaxed that no bubble bath could ever make me feel.

I close my eyes falling asleep again feeling so protected by Natsu that I feel like if I have that nightmare again Natsu would come in and save me. As soon as I fall asleep I have another dream, but this dream has light everywhere and I could see Natsu smiling at me. I'm not sure why but it is a sad yet warm feeling when I see him smiling at me and I can once again feel tears running down my face. 'Why am I crying yet feel happy looking at Natsu?' I thought to myself right before I wake up.

Unlike last time Natsu is still asleep and his arm still wrapped around me with my face right up against his chest. I start to blush madly thanking God that no one came in to check or wake Natsu up.

As I start to pry myself away from him Natsu tightens his arms around me and I hear him murmur "Lucy.." 'huh?? 'How does he know that it's me? I came in when he was asleep' I think to myself before realizing that he is talking in his sleep. I smile up at him but then shake my head and finally am able to push myself away from him.

I stand up and walk towards the door that leads to the hallway when the door suddenly slams open almost slamming in my face.

"Flame brian get your ass..." he trails off when he sees me standing in the doorway.

"Lucy?" he asks extremely confused.

"I was trying to wake Natsu up!" I say hastily trying to not sound suspicious, but extremely failing at that.

He looks at me and says "ok..." still a little confused.

Natsu then suddenly wakes up seeing me and Gray.

"Oh hey Luce," Natsu says hazily before he notices Gray, "Ice princess, what the hell are you doing here?" Natsu asks a little bit more aware of his surroundings.

"Are you kidding me? You literally have been awake for no more than 30 seconds and you are already picking a fight with me?" Gray says grinning to himself.

"Get up and go to the lobby, we are leaving in 15 minutes." Gray says before walking out the door. "15 minutes!" I say to no one in particular. I need to prepare!

"See you downstairs Natsu!" I say in hurry heading out the door.

"See ya Luce." He says still tired but starting to get out of bed.

I run towards my room to get ready for today, but then I suddenly stop in my tracks remembering the nightmare I had before I went to Natsu's room. 'I will tell Erza about it later, but first I really need to get ready for the day' I think to myself as I walk into my room.


A/N: Okay, posted the next chapter and I know I promised action but I really wanted to write this even though it might seem really boring. Hope you guys liked it and please vote, comment, etc. and please keep reading!

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