Chapter 16: Demon Awakening

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Lucy's P.O.V.

I didn't believe what Levy said, I had to know for myself, and so did everyone else. We ask everyone we know to send us books about Zeref's demons, Zeref, and E.N.D since we needed more information on that demon anyways.

Everyone went out of their way to find information, especially Gildarts who just got home from a mission. To get information people asked for their personal favors or threatened to reveal secrets if they didn't help.

Most people were willing to cooperate but kept asking questions. We didn't want to say much about the situation though, so we only said that it had something to do with Natsu.

As soon as we said it was for Natsu they were willing to help us out any way they could. I even asked princess Hisui for help and as soon as I said it was for Natsu the next day we receive a truck load of books about Zeref and his demons that were originally locked away and forbidden to be read by anyone.

Back to Natsu

Natsu's P.O.V.

I arrive at the magic council in handcuffs and with several soldiers on either side of me smirking. They are no doubt thinking that the famous Salamander who has destroyed hundreds of towns is now finally arrested.

We walk into a giant court room with several magic council members sitting on a balcony above my head.

"Natsu Draneel," the judge said, "you are being arrested for being involved with Zeref."

I usually would start an uproar about this accusation, but for once I agreed with the magic council.

I know something is happening to me, but I don't know what. Lately I've been starting to believe what that Crocell guy was saying, that I am Zeref's strongest demon, and that can only mean one thing. I am E.N.D.

Ever since that black out and I killed Crocell I've been thinking it would be best if I would just be locked up, so I decided to bite my tongue and not say anything.

Without even a trial they take me to a cell that nullifies magic powers. When they stick me in the cell I could still sense some kind of magic power though, but it seems dark and I don't like it.

When the soldiers leave I hear a voice.

'Ah, it sure is nice to be back.' The voice says in a low and raspy voice.

I jolt up and spin my head around the cell looking for the source of the voice.

'I thought you would have killed someone already and have been arrested without me interfering, but you really have some strong self-will. It doesn't really matter anymore though.' The voice says again.

"Where in the hell are you!" I growl out.

'Wow. Are you seriously that stupid?

A tick mark forms on my face "Come out now!" I say a lot more irritated.

'I'm in your head you idiot! I've always been here but you are only just now able to hear me.' The voice says.

"What the hell are you talking about?!" I ask frustrated.

'I am E.N.D., and I have finally been awaken thanks to the cell. The main reason why I have struggled to take control over your body is because of your magic, but now that it's been nullified I can take full control. Enjoy the last minutes of being Natsu Dragneel.' The voice finishes talking but then I hear an evil laughter that racks my whole body.

I stand there in complete disbelief, the place I thought would be the safest place for me to be is actually the worst possible place I could be.

"H-Hey!" I shout, but the voice doesn't respond.

I go up to the bars and shake them, "Hey! You have to let me out!" I scream.

"Shut up!" I hear a guard shout from across the hall.

"Hey you-" I begin to shout when I suddenly feel a sharp pain in my head. I fall onto my knees and hunch over while I grip my head because of the pain.

"AAAAAAAAHH" I scream out.

Normal P.O.V.

Suddenly Doranbolt appears in front of Natsu's cell.

"Natsu what's going on!" he asks in distress.

"Doranbolt I need you to do something for me." Natsu says barely able to get out the sentence from the pain.

"Natsu tell me what is happening!" Doranbolt says.

"E.N.D. is taking control of my body." Natsu manages to say.

Doranbolt freezes not understanding what Natsu is talking about. "I- I don't understand Natsu, w- what-" "Dranbolt! Please! I need you to do something, I don't know how much longer I will be in control of my body." Natsu cuts Doranbolt off.

Doranbolt nods hesitantly still clearly confused about what is happening.

"Go to Fairy Tail and erase me from everyone's memory." Natsu croaks out.


A/N- Oooooo cliff hanger.

Okay please tell me that this chapter surprised some of you. I'm pretty sure no other fan-fictions like this has thought of this idea, but I think this might happen, or at least something similar.

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