Chapter 21: See ya Luce

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Lucy's P.O.V.

"Open! Gate of the Celestial Spirit king!" I shout. 

A gigantic magic circle covers the whole city while E.N.D. looks at the ground in confusion. Then the Celestial spirit king appears above E.N.D. and looks at the demon with sadness.

I pay no heed to it though and give him my orders, "KILL THE DEMON!" I scream out in pure anger. He doesn't look at me but sadness is clear in his voice, "Of course." He says.

He draws his monstrous size sword and starts to say a spell.

Normal P.O.V.

E.N.D. stares up at the spirit and decides it's time to pull out his most powerful curse, Grim Reaper. This spell kills anything and everything that is in a 10 mile radius, well everything except for him.

Suddenly there is a pounding sensation in his head and E.N.D. falls to his knees from the pain. He shuts his eyes and grabs his head and starts to scream from the pain.

Lucy pays no mind to this thinking it's probably the result of the spell the Celestial Spirit King is saying. However, something seems off to Lucy because she has never heard this spell before, but honestly she doesn't care as long as it gets rid of this demon forever.

All of a sudden the pain in E.N.D.'s head is gone and Natsu opens his eyes having full control over his body again.

Natsu's P.O.V.

I look around and my eyes widen in horror, my family are all badly injured and I know exactly why, it is all my fault.

Tears fight their way into my eyes and slowly start to fall down my face. I look up and immediately recognize the Celestial Spirit King as he raises his sword behind his head.

I look at the spirit panicked but then calm down realizing that this has to happen. Even though I have control of my body now it is only because of the spell the Spirit King is reciting.

I look in front of me and see Lucy staring at me with pure anger and no mercy in her eyes. 'She still doesn't remember me.' I think to myself as a sad smile forms on my face, 'Thank God.'

She pulls her hand to her heart all of a sudden and her stare softens but I know she still doesn't remember me, if she did she would make the Celestial Spirit King stop the spell, even though she knows what I am. That's just who Lucy is. I can feel even more tears start to fall down my face realizing this will be the last time I will get to see her.

I know the sword must only be seconds away from impact because I can hear the 'swoosh' of the sword making its decent.

I'm still looking at Lucy with a sad smile on my face. I say something to Lucy but I know she can't hear me. I then close my eyes and do my best to show off my classic grin.

Lucy's P.O.V.

After the demon stops screaming and reopens his eyes something seems different about him, but I don't care. Even if he is starting to feel bad for what he has done I know it's probably only an act to trick me. Demons are demons.

He looks up at the Celestial Spirit King and I see tears fall down his cheeks. 'What the hell!' I think to myself as he turns his gaze towards me.

When I look at him more closely I see that there is a smile on his face, but it isn't like the wicked one he gave me before, no, this is one feels sad almost. I pull my hand to my heart as it starts to ache and my eyes soften its glare at the demon.

'Why am I feeling like this?!' I scold myself, 'He hurt my friends and tried to even kill them, so why, why am I feeling like this!'

The demon says something but I can't hear him. Suddenly I feel liquid fall down my face, I reach up and touch my face feeling my tears 'Wh- Why am I crying?' but then all of a sudden something clicks in my head.

Somehow I know exactly what the demon said, like I've heard it a hundred times before and if I don't hear it at least once during my day I feel sad. "See ya Luce." is what the demon said while giving me a toothy grin.

"Natsu..." I whisper to myself, confusion overwhelming me. I look up to see the Celestial Spirit King swinging down his sword on top of Natsu.

It's about to land on top of Natsu and I start to panic, "NAAATTTSSSSUUUUUU!!!" I scream at him right before the sword hits him.


A/N- Alright just a warning that things might get pretty sad in the next few chapters.

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