Chapter 15: Natsu is Natsu

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Lucy's P.O.V.

'No, no, no, no, no, no. This simply can't be possible. What did Natsu have Levy do research on that relates to Zeref's demons.'

Erza and Gray now notice that I'm on my knees and head over to where I am.

"Lucy are you ok?" Erza asks.

I just shake my head thinking of Natsu. "Levy you need to tell me everything." I ask ignoring Gray and Erza's looks.

"I think Natsu should be here too if we are going to talk about it since it has to do with him." Levy says.

"We would like to come too if it's all the same to you." Erza says. Levy looks at me to make sure its ok. I nod in approval and stand up.

We walk over to Natsu's house and what I see when we arrive makes my heart stop.

We see about 40 soldiers in front of Natsu's house with one of them holding back a balling Happy.

Before I can even wonder what is going on we all see a handcuffed Natsu walking towards a van with Doranbolt standing by the entrance.

Erza suddenly falls to her knees with her arms dangling on either side of her. "Not again." Erza says in a whisper. She must be remembering the time when Jellal got arrested.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE!" Gray screams out in anger.

Happy notices us and flies over to us. He flies right into me and starts to cry into my chest. "Happy what's going on?" I ask trying to comprehend what I'm seeing.

"I-I don't know. I just got to the house when 5 men ran in and pinned Natsu to the ground. He didn't struggle though he just let them handcuff him. Lucy what's wrong with Natsu! This isn't him!" He half screams at me.

I look back up at the scene and see that Doranbolt is looking to the ground.

I march up to him but I'm stopped by five soldiers. "Doranbolt!" I scream at him, "What is happening?"

He finally looks up at me. "One of our soldiers saw the entire fight with Natsu and that demon thing. Ever since you guys confronted Zeref we have been arresting anyone involved with him or suspected to be involved with him. When it appeared that the demon knew Natsu the council decided they didn't want to take any chances." He says.

I just stare at him in shock while everyone else looks at me wondering what he is talking about. "What fight Lucy?" Erza asks and I now notice that she's standing up. I just slowly shake my head at the question.

Natsu enters the van and Gray starts to get in a fighting stance, Levy pulls out her writing pen, Erza begins to requip, and I grab one of my keys.

"Stop." Says a low raspy voice. We all stop immediately once we realized who said that, Natsu.

"Natsu I need to tell you something!" Levy calls out, but it seems that her saying that made him even bleaker. "It doesn't matter anymore." Natsu says coldly.

"Natsu don't leave me!" I scream out not thinking about what I am saying. "Sorry," he says. "See ya Luce" he continues before the van doors close.

"Stop it!" I yell out, "Natsu is Natsu! No one else! Now give him back to me!" I yell out running into the guards trying not to start crying. "Lucy." I hear Erza says in a soft voice.

"That is enough my child." I hear someone say.

I turn around to see Makarov. "Master but-" Erza speaks up but is immediately cut off by Makarov. "We don't have a choice" Makarov says his, voice shaking with anger. "We will get him back but not right now, for now let's go back to the guild." He says while turning around.

I turn around hesitantly my blood boiling with anger. Gray punches a tree next to him and mutters "Damnit!" while Erza requips back into her old clothes and gives all the soldiers a death stare that makes them shutter.

*Back at the guild*

"Master what the hell is going on!" Gray shouts attracting everyone in the guild's attention.

"They think Natsu has something to do with Zeref." Master says simply. Everyone in the guild heard what he said and questions start to erupt from everyone in the guild.

I notice that Levy looks down to the floor with a sad expression on her face.

"Levy-chan what did Natsu have you do research on and what did you find out." I ask. Levy takes a deep breath and everyone else quiets down.

"Natsu had black marks on his arm that those bandages covered up. He asked me to find out what they are, and I did." She pauses for a second and then continues. "They are marks to show Zeref's demons." Levy finishes.


A/N- Woo two chapters in one day! Sorry for the cheesy title by the way, I just couldn't think of anything else. 

Was anyone expecting Natsu to be arrested? Hopefully that surprised a few of you. But what do you think will happen next?

And just to let you guys know in case you are curious this is probably the half way point of the story. I have a few scenes in my head that I want to do I just need to figure out how to get there.

Please comment, vote, and keep reading this story!

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