Chapter 18: Preparing for E.N.D.

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Gray's P.O.V.

I slowly wake up and my head hurts like hell. I notice that everyone else is also waking up and looking around completely confused.

"What the hell is going on here?!" I ask.

"I have no idea." Lucy says sitting up with one hand on her head.

"My head is killing me." Erza says. Wow her head must really be hurting if she is actually admitting it because Na.... huh? What was I going to say? I shake the thought away and focus on helping everyone wake up.

I then hear Makarov's door open and he comes running out. "We have a major problem." We all hear Makarov say.

"Master what is it?" Mirajane asks. "E.N.D. has escaped and we are too kill him on site." He says sadly, and I feel sad as well. Wait, why am I feeling sad! E.N.D. is just another demon that I am destined to kill, so why do I feel sad. I can tell by everyone's expression that they are feeling the same way I am, confused and sad, especially Lucy.

"Yes I agree that this demon needs to be slain," Erza says with a sad look on her face, "but this is still Zeref's most powerful demon, so we are going to need to have a plan." She continues now having a straight face.

"Do you really think we can plan anything with Sal-" Gajeel suddenly stops talking and looks confused. He then brings his hands to his head from what I'm assuming is pain.

Suddenly a magic council member bursts through the doors and severely injured with only one arm. "Please help us! It's E.N.D.... he's heading towards Magnolia." the man barely manages to say right before he faints. We all rush over and Wendy checks his pulse, but when she looks back up at us she shakes her head 'no'.

"Damn you E.N.D." Laxus mutters.

"Master we need to prepare for E.N.D." Gildarts says. Everyone quiets down seeing that Makarov is about to give us orders.

"First we need to evacuate the city immediately!" says Master. "Hai!" We all say.

We all walk out but I notice that Happy and Lucy are still sitting on the floor.

"Lucy, Happy, what's wrong?" I ask.

"I-I'm not sure." Lucy says.

"I feel like I can't remember half of my life, I can remember everything, but I-" Happy stops talking and looks to the ground confused.

"You guys shouldn't be thinking of anything else besides defeating E.N.D., trust me I'm feeling the same way you are right now but we need to focus our priorities." I say. I hold out my hand to Lucy and help her up while happy flies up.

"Right!" she says. Before I can say anything else I feel like someone is glaring daggers at me. "Love rival!" we both here a certain water mage say. We shiver and I turn towards her while Lucy goes outside. "Ugh Juvia! Common let's go!" I say while walking up to her and grabbing her hand pulling her out of the guild. I can't help but blush, when I realize I'm holding her hand, but I have no idea why.


-Hour time skip- 

We finally get all of the citizens out of the city, although it was extremely hectic. Some flew out of the city, others got out through underground tunnels, and some were transported out one way or another.

After all of the citizens were safe we spread out throughout the city. Juvia and I are on top of a building that looks over the city. I'm not really sure where everyone is but I know Lucy is across the street on another building, Erza is watching the north border of the city, Guildarts the south, Laxus the east, and Mirajane the west. Gajeel and Wendy are in the sky with Happy, Carla, and Patherlily, but it seemed kind off to me, wasn't someone usually with Happy? Argg, whenever I think about this I get a massive headache. Everybody else was either stationed in a certain section of the city or is with the civilians. And warren connected all of our thoughts together.

"Hey guys something is really off." Gajeel says. "What do you mean?" I ask. "I can smell E.N.D., but for some reason his sent seems so.... familiar." He says.

"Have you met E.N.D. before or something?" Laxus asks.

"No you idiot, I think I would of remembered meeting the most powerful demon ever! I don't know what it is... Ah! Just thinking about this makes my head hurt!" he says.

"Whatever just focus on what's at hand. So where is he coming from?" Gildarts asks.

"He's coming from-" Gajeel suddenly stops talking.

"Gajeel what is it?" Juvia asks.

"Zeref just showed up." He says


A/N- Once again I say I'm sorry for the horrible title. I hope you all liked this chapter and I hope you are excited for the upcoming chapters! 

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Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail, Hiro Mashima does!

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